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undo-tree: How to map through all nodes programmatically

I am working on my own new feature request for undo-tree linear undo/redo: How to make undo-tree linear -- undo-tree-undo/redo I have successfully added two additional gizmos (?) to cl-defstruct ... ...
lawlist's user avatar
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Format Haskell type signatures to be multi-line

I want to have the following functionality on a save hook. Given a buffer that has type signatures like this… add :: Integer -> Integer -> Integer add x y = x + y …I want to have them ...
Matthew Piziak's user avatar
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Failed to add wikinodes to ‘org-font-lock-extra-keywords

I want to use org-wikinodes ( Org wikinode is activated : (setq org-modules (quote (org-wikinodes))) I can follow wikinodes links with C-c C-o. ...
sam's user avatar
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Cleaning the buffer-undo-list of unwanted entries

When multiple-cursors is deactivated, I would like to remove from the buffer-undo-list all entries that look like this: (apply activate-cursor-for-undo 40) (apply deactivate-cursor-after-undo 38) ...
lawlist's user avatar
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Org-mode hide tags in outline view

Can anyone think of a way to hide org-mode tags, perhaps something along the lines of this solution to completely hide the properties drawer? I would love to hide tags but still have them searchable ...
Adam's user avatar
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Can I write Information into the mini-buffer (like an extra mode line)

I was wondering if it is possible (with any reasonable amount of work) to write infos into the mini buffer (because not every window needs to tell me the time for example).
LinFelix's user avatar
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Get TRAMP working with cygwin sshd

I'm using both the latest Cygwin and the latest (released) Emacs. I'm trying to remote in from a Linux box to a Windows box running a Cygwin configured sshd. I've added this line to the top of my ....
PythonNut's user avatar
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Tramp problems with remote .bashrc

I'm using org-mode and doing an ssh multihop into a remote server from our faculty. :PROPERTIES: :header-args: :dir "/ssh:user@remote|ssh:user@remote2:/home/user" :END: #+BEGIN_SRC sh ls -al #+...
Daniel's user avatar
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Clickable links to py.test stack frame lines in compilation-mode

In compilation-mode, how can I make the default py.test output have clickable links to source code (when using py.test's default formatting of tracebacks)? Does somebody already have appropriate ...
Croad Langshan's user avatar
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How can I move all my file-local LocalWords to .dir-locals.el?

This is a follow-up question to Can I instruct ispell to insert LocalWords in a different file?. So now that I've got a way to use a separate file for my local dictionary, is there any way to move ...
Sean Allred's user avatar
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Eshell and Dired are unable to extract port number from authinfo file

My default-directory is: /ssh:[email protected]#2222:/home3/lawlist My .authinfo file contains: machine 12.34.567.89 login lawlist password abcdefg The above-combination works just fine. ...
lawlist's user avatar
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Stop reindenting `if` after `else`

Given the file test.c: int main() { if (a) foo(); else if (b) // line 6 bar(); else baz(); } Whenever a comma or paren is typed while point is on line 6 (...
Vladimir Panteleev's user avatar
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Does `load` prefer .elc files over .el files?

Do .elc files take precedence over .el files when using load? Say I have two files in my load path: foo.el and foo.elc. If I call (load "foo"), will the byte-compiled version (foo.elc) always be ...
Ben's user avatar
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Reuse other command's "interactive" form

Example, I want to define a package-open-homepage command, which reuses C-h P (describe-package)'s "interactive" form. I don't want to copy-and-paste because it is too long. The following (eval `(...
xuchunyang's user avatar
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Bindings in helm-help?

when helm is active, I can press C-c ? to open a buffer containing helpful information for the current helm session. Now, coming from vim, I'd like to have some evil-bindings in that window, but I'm ...
DeX3's user avatar
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How to use Emacs to open an eshell from Terminal at a specific path

By default, if I invoke emacs from terminal by typing $ emacs C:\users a directory-like environment opens. Then if I do M-x eshell, an eshell environment opens at this path. My question is how to ...
Name's user avatar
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How to toggle whitespace mode in evil insert state?

I'd like to disable whitespace-mode while in evil insert state. The following hooks work, but require refreshing all font colors with (font-lock-fontify-buffer), and even then- sometimes it fails to ...
ideasman42's user avatar
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Emacs-Lisp mode indentation problem when doc string contains left parenthesis in first column

Usually when I write Lisp code (in an Emacs-Lisp mode buffer), I can press TAB (bound to indent-for-tab-command) to indent code properly. However, if I write a defun with a docstring (longer than one ...
Håkon Hægland's user avatar
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Effect of `modes` In Declare Form [duplicate]

13.14 The declare Form: (modes MODES) Specify that this command is meant to be applicable for MODES only. What is the practical effect of (modes ...) in declare form? I find that I can still call ...
shynur's user avatar
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org-mode table-formula and code-blocks: function parameter is cut off on whitespace

In Org-mode working with 'src' code blocks and table formulas together, org-mode cuts of the cell strings at the first whitespace character. I.e.: having a cell with Hello World the 'src' code block ...
jue's user avatar
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Activating a minor mode for outline-minor-mode for elisp files

I am working on a minor mode that adds functionality to outline-minor-mode associated with different major modes (e.g. emacs-lisp-mode, fortran-mode). This is the minor mode file taxocalc.el ;; ...
Dilna's user avatar
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Debugging -- debugger-mode -- how to highlight the culprit

Let us take an example such as (max 0 (/ 8 0)) -- the problem is the argument to / -- i.e., DIVISORS cannot be 0. The debugging output looks like this: Debugger entered--Lisp error: (arith-error) /...
lawlist's user avatar
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abbrev-mode - Expansion with trailing / does not work

I want to have w/ expand to with globally. Defining the abbrev in the usual way works (e.g. typingwith C-x ag w/), and the entry in the abbrev_defs file looks fine - output of M-x list-abbrevs under (...
Christian Herenz's user avatar
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ansi-term changes in line-mode not registered after char-mode

Here's the situation. I start M-x ansi-term, which launches it in term-char-mode. I type the following: echo "hello world" and press RET, which outputs on the next line the expected output hello ...
space_voyager's user avatar
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Cannot install spacemacs

I am currently trying to install spacemacs on my Arch Linux. I am following the standard installation instructions that have been put up here. Now, I am at the part where I need to launch emacs (...
SDG's user avatar
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Cperl-mode syntax highlighting breaks when inserting a newline into a here doc

in cperl-mode, here docs are colored with a font-lock-string-face. However if you used any function that inserts a newline on a blank line (e.g. M-: (insert "\n")) it will cause all code after the ...
Prgrm.celeritas's user avatar
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Binding `M-ESC M-ESC`

Attempting to bind M-ESC M-ESC in the global map to a command: (global-set-key (kbd "M-ESC M-ESC") #'my-command) results in the following: Debugger entered--Lisp error: (error "Key sequence M-ESC M-...
Tianxiang Xiong's user avatar
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ESS language modes with use-package

I've recenly started to convert my init.el to using use-package, and have so far not found any problems with that -- except that I can't get ESS to work for all languages. I have installed the ...
phipsgabler's user avatar
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how to modify buffer display behaviour?

I use display-buffer-alist to Configure buffer display. For example I have this snippet to display flycheck errors buffer. (add-to-list 'display-buffer-alist `(,(rx bos "*Flycheck errors*...
bertfred's user avatar
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How can I make url.el work with the If-None-Match header?

Take the following form constructed according to : (let ((break-url-package nil)) (let ((url-request-method "GET") (url-request-extra-headers `(("Content-Type" . "application/json")...
Sean Allred's user avatar
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Why are there four identical executables generated while compiling from source?

The result of compiling emacs from source on Linux Mint 21 Cinnamon Edition was creation of FOUR identical executable files in the [src] directory: 1e2bec8a4a3c5c671fadd486d0590393 bootstrap-emacs ...
Claudio's user avatar
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How to RPC from External Process to Emacs

How can I RPC from an external application into Emacs then have a function in Emacs handle the RPC? For example, I would like to make a D3.js webpage with a dependency graph of a codebase, view and ...
tboyce12's user avatar
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Dired+ key binding issues in terminal emacs

Using the Dired+ library, and running Emacs in a terminal, all arrow keys in dired buffers invoke M-O (which is bound to diredp-chown-this-file) instead of correct <left> <right> <up&...
dev1223's user avatar
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IDO rebind C-j to C-<RET>

How to set it? I tried (add-hook 'ido-setup-hook (lambda () (local-set-key (kbd "C-<RET>") 'ido-select-text))) and (define-key ido-common-completion-map (kbd "C-<...
dev1223's user avatar
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ibuffer hide columns

How do you hide columns when inside the ibuffer window? I don't want to see Size Mode Name Sometimes I just want to see only the column Filename/Process What I tried: googled ibuffer hide columns
american-ninja-warrior's user avatar
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How can I prevent company-mode completing non-English chars?

i tried these codes before, but none of them works for me . how can i edit this to achieve my goal.
Yu Su's user avatar
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autoload of general.el not working in spacemacs?

I have this in my personal spacemacs layer's packages.el: (setq mylayer-packages '(general (mylayer :location local) evil-org )) Then later in the same file: (defun ...
Croad Langshan's user avatar
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Dired: only one buffer when input/exit in directory

Windows 10, Emacs 25.1, Dired, Dired+ When , in dired mode, I enter (by press RET) to directory the dired create many buffers. Something like this: As you can see was crated 4 buffers: Temp, test, ...
a_subscriber's user avatar
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Dried+, Dired-K. Available space in KB/MB?

Windows 10, Emacs 25.1, Dired+, Dired-K Here my dired buffer: As you can see Dired-K show size of files and folder in KB/MB. OK. Nice. But total available is show in bytes. Is it possible to show ...
a_subscriber's user avatar
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How to export babel source blocks with syntax highlighting to ODT in org-mode in Emacs 27?

In Emacs 27, babel source blocks do not export syntax highlighting to ODT format. The same org document is exported as expected in Emacs 25. Versions: GNU Emacs 27.0.50 (build 2, x86_64-pc-linux-...
Francisco J. Velázquez-G.'s user avatar
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Getting maxima source block to return and display latex equations

I'd like my maxima source blocks to return either valid latex that I can display in the org-buffer, or an image of the results (a la imaxima). Ideally, the pure latex solution would be best. Here is ...
wdkrnls's user avatar
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Remove strange keybindings from YASnippet

I have YASnippet installed in emacs 24.5, which wasn't working and after a lot of different attempts at a fix, I now have the basics working, however - somewhere along the way - I have collected the ...
n1k31t4's user avatar
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How are normal characters inserted into emacs?

A trivial Problem? I have somehow managed to set cand a few other keys to prefix-commands, meaning they wait for a further input (like e.g. C-x does) and so I cannot actually type the letter c when ...
n1k31t4's user avatar
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How to set up Emacs with Clozure CL but without SLIME

I want to manually set up my own Emacs CL environment on Mac OS X 7 without the SLIME package i.e. it will only use Clozure CL. To put it other way, I want to use the Emacs CL just like I use the "...
Terry's user avatar
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How to cycle between specified states in org mode?

By default, S-tab cycles between OVERVIEW, CONTENTS and SHOW ALL these three states. But I want it to just cycle between CONTENTS and SHOW ALL. How can I realize it?
Ben's user avatar
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Install package: magit (via package.el) only shows *Completions*

First time package user and magit user. Following the installation instructions, when I enter "package-install magit", a Completions buffer is displayed, (see below). I've tried adding both stable....
Matt Muggeridge's user avatar
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Different colors for questions and answers in org-mode

I'm writing questions and answers in org-mode for project purposes (like meeting notes). A sample looks like this: 1. [X] Equipment name for tags associated with pumps - Discuss Comment: We can ...
Prasanna's user avatar
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How to make all abbrev table case sensitive?

I know that I can use (abbrev-table-put c++-mode-abbrev-table :case-fixed t) to make one abbrev table to be case sensitive. But how can I make this default for all abbrev-tables ?
Saddle Point's user avatar
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Suspend frame, run a bash command, sleep for a few seconds and come back to emacs

[ I'm using the latest emacs, and always emacsclient with the -nw option in a terminal ] I have this workflow I want to "automate" with an emacs hotkey. I find myself doing this over a hundred times ...
american-ninja-warrior's user avatar
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Shell-mode conditional execution

After a command terminates in shell-mode, I want to execute an additional command conditional on stdout. How can this be automated?
Matthew Piziak's user avatar

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