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Dictation in Mac OS doesn’t leave spaces between words in Emacs

I have tried to use the dictation feature of Mac OS in Emacs and it works quite well, except that it doesn’t seem to recognise spaces between words if I pause shortly and also omits spaces between ...
trmdttr's user avatar
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Can't get company-dabbrv mode to work

I think I've setup company mode correctly, yet I can't get company-dabbrv to work as default. I can launch it manually with company-dabbrv, but it won't auto-suggest completions in a buffer. This is ...
zeltak's user avatar
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How to ignore certain filename patterns in `find-file`/`counsel-find-file`?

When using stock find-file or counsel-find-file, is there a way to ignore certain files that I almost never want to open by hand? Examples include .elc files and backups.
Nova's user avatar
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Dired up to parent directory on symlink

I have a symlink ~/link -> ~/a/really/long/path When I press ^ in the buffer, it takes me to ~ but I want to go to ~/a/really/long Is there a right way to do this? Another question is, if I'...
spacegoing's user avatar
6 votes
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How to follow commit hashes in commit messages?

Some commit messages contain sha1 hashes of older commits in order to reference these commits, e.g.: Fixes: deadbeef Is it possible to visit the referenced commit from the first commit message?
Gregor's user avatar
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org-mode export to odt gone?

Since upgrading to Emacs 24.5.1 and org-mode 8.3.3 (Kubuntu 16.04), I can no longer export org-mode files as ODT; only as iCal, HTML, LaTeX, or plain text. Is that normal? Is there a way to get ODT ...
Supernormal's user avatar
4 votes
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More detailed description of how to set-up org-file-apps for orgmode 9.0

The release notes for the changed method of specifing how to open links in org files say that org-file-apps no longer accepts an S-expression but you need to put in a function (and gives an example ...
brittAnderson's user avatar
8 votes
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What does a backslash followed by a single quote mean in a regular expression?

Looking at this stackoverflow answer on an old way for specifying the org-file-apps list, I can see that there is a backslash followed by a single-quote character after each file type extension, e.g. ....
brittAnderson's user avatar
3 votes
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Adding diary entries in chronological order rather than appending to the file

I am using the diary both to save my calendar appointments and to write notes. Consequently I always read and write my diary file (on the same window, which means I open the real diary file), and I ...
Giuseppe's user avatar
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magit: commit without whitespace-only changes

Is there a way to commit only the lines with non-white-space changes? I have (add-hook 'before-save-hook 'delete-trailing-whitespace) in my .init.el and this usually helps me avoid committing ...
Yasushi Shoji's user avatar
4 votes
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Stop ERT results frame from stealing focus

I've set up ert test results to display in a separate frame, if one exists, and in a bottom side-window otherwise: (add-to-list 'display-buffer-alist '("\\`\\*ert\\*\\'" (...
ivan's user avatar
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7 votes
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Trying to run a lisp-dialect through inferior-lisp, but can't evaluate code

I'd like to run txr lisp as an inferior-lisp process in Emacs. From bash in xterm I can start a repl with txr -i. I know I first need to change the inferior-lisp-program variable: (setq inferior-...
wdkrnls's user avatar
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Keep point position between re-opening files with recentf/ido

It's hard to say what was broken in my .emacs but with new Emacs 25.1.1 after opening file from recentf point is placed at the beginning of buffer whereas with Emacs 24 it opens in last viewed ...
gavenkoa's user avatar
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How do I add autocompletion for a new language?

I have written code that returns lists of symbols representing modules and exported functions of a programming language. How do I integrate it with some autocompletion in Emacs? I looked at company ...
ruby_object's user avatar
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How can I slightly modify an emacs powerline theme?

The screenshot below is my current emacs powerline: I'm pretty happy with the theme, but I'd like to slightly change the color of the text in the blue areas. What can I put in my .emacs file to ...
achalk's user avatar
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Error when (stata . t) added to org-babel-do-load-languages in an attempt to evaluate Stata code in org-mode [closed]

Important Note: As of Spring 2020, ob-stata.el via Emacs Speaks Statistics has been deprecated. Even the updated version described below in this thread is broken. I (the author of the updated ob-...
Daniel's user avatar
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On exporting Org-agenda to Google Calender via online ics file

I would like to apply the steps in: I am starting with updating my Org-mode entries in my Google calender. However, to have an ics file ...
Hisham's user avatar
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gnus-group-make-group error: Duplicate folder name

I cannot use Gnus anymore because of the following error: gnus-group-make-group: Could not create group on server: NO (ALREADYEXISTS) Duplicate folder name Agenda (Failure) I couldn't find anything ...
Denis Bitouzé's user avatar
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Debugging -- debugger-mode -- how to highlight the culprit

Let us take an example such as (max 0 (/ 8 0)) -- the problem is the argument to / -- i.e., DIVISORS cannot be 0. The debugging output looks like this: Debugger entered--Lisp error: (arith-error) /...
lawlist's user avatar
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What's this line between the modeline and the echo area?

I'm using a dark theme, so it's a bit hard to see, but there is a black line between the modeline and the echo area in the shot above. You can also see it between the modeline and a hydra, and the ...
rjww's user avatar
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How many bytes are in the region?

After far too many years of counting the number of characters in the region by doing M-: (- (point) (mark)), I just discovered M-= (count-words-region). Much better! But now I'm looking for a way to ...
Sean's user avatar
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How to embed svg output of org-mode src block as inline svg in html export?

I wish to embed the svg file output of gnuplot as inline svg code in the html export. Currently I do the following: 1. Manually remove the RESULTS block. 2. INCLUDE the svg file as shown in the MWE ...
Karthikeya Kameswaran's user avatar
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two different config files for Emacs

I am looking for method to use two different config files - init files. First config: when I am coding in full Emacs windows (open file as emacs namefile this define ~/.emacs_conf2) Second: when I ...
MichalSzczep's user avatar
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What are the differences mark-ring and global-mark-ring?

I have just explore how to use mark rings in emacs. There are two kind of mark type mark-ring and global-mark-ring. What are the differences between them and is there any option to push all marks ...
itirazimvar's user avatar
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evil-surround: change and delete not working with all surroundings

I'm using GNU Emacs 24.5.1 (GUI version) on Mac OS X 10.11.1 with Evil mode and installed evil-surround through the built-in package manager of Emacs. Now, I can add all surroundings, for example, ...
weibeld's user avatar
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Handling org properties when include files [duplicate]

I have a file which contains #+TITLE: a #+DATE: <2017-01-07 Sat> * #+INCLUDE: and which contains #+TITLE: b #+DATE: <2017-01-07 Sat> * content in b When I ...
Saddle Point's user avatar
4 votes
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org-mode and bibtex latex export problem

I followed this and can grab stuff (with Google Scholar) and put it in my, as described. However when I create a with this lone line: \bibliography{ref} all I get with Latex ...
147pm's user avatar
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16 votes
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Defun inside let with lexical binding gives byte-compile warning "the function is not known to be defined"

I want to get the effect of a static variable by using defun inside of let with lexical binding to create a closure. However, when byte-compiling the file, I get a warning. Am I doing something wrong, ...
Rose Kunkel's user avatar
6 votes
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rgrep : visiting matches without switching buffer

I was wondering if there is a way to visit the matches listed in the grep buffer without actually switching to the match buffer, similarly to C-o with Occur.
Stefano's user avatar
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Running :noexport: code on export

According to the org-mode manual (emphasis added by me): The tags that exclude a tree from export (org-export-exclude-tags). The default value is :noexport:. Entries with the :noexport: tag will be ...
Dodgie's user avatar
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How to encrypt different headings to different keys

I'd like to encrypt different headings in my org file to different keys, e.g., * Heading 1 * Heading 2 where Heading 1 should be encrypted to [email protected] and Heading 2 should be encrypted to ...
andreas-h's user avatar
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How to tell scheme-send-last-sexp to echo the expression?

Is it possible to tell scheme-send-last-sexp to echo the expression in the *scheme* buffer?
ceving's user avatar
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How to return an org mode table with headings and hline from Ruby

I have the same question as this question except that I don't see how to do so other than in elisp. I am using Ruby, but I suppose the question applies to other languages as well. If I return an ...
Daniel Doherty's user avatar
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use local tikz library in org-mode

would like to use a custom tikz library with org-mode. The following example works fine. :) #+begin_src latex :file fsa.pdf :packages '(("" "tikz")) :border ...
user14419's user avatar
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Interactive Function to Create a Buffer in a Default Folder with Autocompletion of the File Name with the Predefined Prefix

Could you please tell me how I can write a function which creates and visits a buffer in a particular directory (a default directory name is hard coded, but it would be nice to have an opportunity to ...
aptlin's user avatar
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12 votes
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How to get the headline title using org-entry-get

Q:  How can org-mode be configured so that (org-entry-get nil "title") returns the headline title? I have seen three variations of org-entry-get where the string argument title is in all lowercase, ...
lawlist's user avatar
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What is the problem with this yank function in elisp in emacs?

Idea I will like to construct a simple emacs function that copies the yy functionality in vim. The function should yank a visual-line into kill ring without deleting the line. Function Here is ...
DBS's user avatar
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What is the emacs theme that is used on org-mode site?

What is the emacs theme that is used on org-mode site?
Anton Rybakov's user avatar
9 votes
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Hide SCHEDULED items in org-agenda until they are past their scheduled date and time

When processing my tasks in org-mode I use a custom view that displays my unscheduled/undeadlined TODOs, as well as the next two days of my days-agenda. I would like to use SCHEDULED dates as the ...
elethan's user avatar
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Ignoring subtrees with a certain tag

I want to ignore a subtree temporarily. I can do this by setting the property :header-args: to :tangle no, but this is not usually visible. Could I have this property set automatically by all ...
Toothrot's user avatar
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Inspect message output

When I save my file, I can see output of some commands in the echo area. The thing is, that it's very fast and the next message will overwrite the previous one. So I just see the message Wrote FILE. ...
ryskajakub's user avatar
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Tab-completing functions in Emacs outside of parentheses or quotes

In Emacs version 25.1.1 (and probably other versions), tab completion not work for function names unless they are enclosed in parentheses or quoted. For instance, after running emacs -Q, setting tab-...
Qudit's user avatar
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How to use bmkp-new-bookmark-default-names in bookmark+?

I am using bookmark+.el in Emacs 25.1. When I press C-x r m (bound to bookmark-set) and point is on a symbol, it will be used as the default candidate for the new bookmark to be created. I would ...
Håkon Hægland's user avatar
4 votes
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Org-mode COMMENT blocks local variable eval?

The code below is an org-mode file that will not load by-backend. But if I put the org code block setup anywhere else besides under * COMMENT it does run and (fbound 'by-backend) gives t. What is it ...
147pm's user avatar
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Point motion strategy for Emacs 25 and older

I've read What is inhibit-point-motion-hooks?. Assume some minor-mode my-mode that wants to do point-motion-y things. Assume my--point-entered and my--point-left functions that work fine in Emacs &...
Greg Hendershott's user avatar
4 votes
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How to org-export literal list?

I have several strings in my org file, which look like as follows: something something else When I org-export this file to html, these strings are automatically converted to lists, starting with 1. ...
Lev Lamberov's user avatar
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Lisp error with elpy under Python 3

I've had my emacs (v. 25.1.1) working with elpy (1.13) under Python 2.7 for a while. I decided to switch to Python 3 recently, and cannot get it to interact with emacs properly. Normally, when I ...
tnknepp's user avatar
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org export: "no output was produced to write to file"

Sample file: * hello * goodbye * some source #+BEGIN_SRC ipython :session :file py224158lK.png :exports code print ("this will not work") #+END_SRC The text in this file will yield error `No ...
Dodgie's user avatar
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Tramp connection history mysteriously appearing in .emacs.d

Today when reviewing changes to my .emacs.d before committing, I noticed a file called tramp. The contents of this file are as follows: ;; -*- emacs-lisp -*- <16/12/28 15:56:06 /home/ethan/.emacs....
elethan's user avatar
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How to hide the username in magit-log?

Trying to utilize a small screen, and I did this once before, so I know it's possible. How to hide the username in magit-log so that only the commit message is visible?
William Horne's user avatar

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