I'm trying to open a file with a given encoding and running into the problem that C-m is the same as RET.  There is an answer [here][1].  However, I don't want to bind a specific function; I want to restore all C-x C-m key bindings to their intended behavior; so, the next time I look up how to do something, it just works.

This raises the question of why there even are C-x C-m bindings if they don't work.  Note I'm assuming this [documentation][2] is correct.  I don't know how to look up the command for the binding.  If I use C-h k to describe the command, I'm still stuck with the problem of how to type C-x C-m!

I also looked at [this answer][3], but I'm not clear if he's saying it can't be done, or is it only in a terminal that it's a problem?  I'm only using emacs in a GUI; I can't remember the last time I used it in a terminal.  I'm open to workarounds, such as using a different key.  The trouble with this is I won't remember it has been remapped unless I use it frequently...

  [1]: https://emacs.stackexchange.com/questions/20240/how-to-distinguish-c-m-from-return
  [2]: https://www.emacswiki.org/emacs/ChangingEncodings
  [3]: https://emacs.stackexchange.com/questions/17509/how-to-distinguish-c-i-from-tab