I'm hoping this is possible. I work in a variety of environments and languages. Right now it's mostly django and Node.js, but there have been others. What I would like to do is set the `web-mode` engine based on the project I am currently working on, and not the file extension. I know I could use `.djhtml` as the file extension, but that messes things up for others who aren't using Emacs because, for example, Pycharm doesn't know what to do with a `.djhtml` file. I would prefer to keep my `.html` if at all possible.

I am wondering if there is any way to set the `web-mode` engine based on the project I'm working in. I'd rather not have to put `-*- engine: django -*-` into each of my files either, if I can avoid it.


I've tried adding the following to a `.dir-locals.el` file, but it doesn't seem to make a difference. I get prompted to allow the variable change, and the value of the variable `web-mode-engines-alist` has changed, but `django` is not set as the template engine when I open a `.html` file.

<!-- language: lang-el -->

    ((web-mode .
        ((web-mode-engines-alist .
              '(("django" . "\\.html\\'"))))))


* Emacs: 25.2.1
* OS: Windows 10

I found this bug reported in `web-mode` (https://github.com/fxbois/web-mode/issues/799), but it's just referred to be asked as a question here.