I assume that every project has its own file and you want to sort w.r.t. the project time.
You can apply a filter to your table and sort the filtered result.
In the following I give an example of a possible adaption of one of the filters at https://emacs.stackexchange.com/a/20137/2370 for your case.
- The example does not sort the original table but creates a new one which you can sort. You have to decide whether it serves your purpose or not.
- I added the name
to the clocktable - I filtered the rows with
*File time*
in the second column of your clocktable - You can apply the source code block by clicking C-c C-c on
- I already applied the sorting with
with sorting typeN
to the resulting filtered table.
#+BEGIN: clocktable :maxlevel 2 :block thisweek :link t :formula % :scope agenda-with-archives :step day :fileskip 0
#+NAME: myclock
| File | Headline | Time | % |
| | ALL *Total time* | *5:04* | 100.0 |
| emacs.org | *File time* | *0:31* | 10.2 |
| | Emacs | 0:31 | 10.2 |
| project1.org | *File time* | *1:40* | 32.9 |
| | Task1 | 1:40 | 32.9 |
| project2.org | *File time* | *2:40* | 52.6 |
| | TaskA | 2:40 | 52.6 |
| project3.org | *File time* | *0:13* | 4.3 |
| | Task | 0:13 | 4.3 |
#+NAME: table-filter
#+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp :var tbl=myclock val="*File time*" col=2
(cl-loop for row in tbl
if (equal (nth (1- col) row) val)
collect row into newtbl
finally return newtbl)
#+RESULTS: table-filter
| project2.org | *File time* | *2:40* | 52.6 |
| project1.org | *File time* | *1:40* | 32.9 |
| emacs.org | *File time* | *0:31* | 10.2 |
| project3.org | *File time* | *0:13* | 4.3 |