My new init.el
uses require
to load various settings that I have organised into directories and files. This is an attempt to tame what was a very large and messy init.el
and custom.el
file. Also I ultimately hope to use org
files to better document each setting.
I'm trying (and largely failing) to make this setup play nicely with customize
My old init.el
has grown over a few years and makes liberal use of setq
But reading this: Advantages of setting variables with setq instead of custom.el?
And these:
I decided to try replacing setq
with custom-set-variables
for custom variables.
The problem I have is that despite the fact that I've explicitly set variables using custom-set-variables
, customize
appears to take all my explicit settings and appends them to the end of my init.el
or in a separate file if custom-file
is set. This duplicates the settings needlessly, and create more, not less mess.
What's worse is that complicated expressions seems to get rendered incorrectly when trampled, the below:
(let* ((default-directory temporary-file-directory)
(emacs-temp (expand-file-name current-user "emacs-saves")))
(custom-set-variables '(backup-directory-alist (`(("." . ,emacs-temp))))
'(auto-save-file-name-transforms (`(("." ,emacs-temp t))))))
Is trampled with custom.el
containing an out of scope emacs-temp
. No such issues are seen using setq
;; custom-set-variables was added by Custom.
;; If you edit it by hand, you could mess it up, so be careful.
;; Your init file should contain only one such instance.
;; If there is more than one, they won't work right.
'(auto-save-file-name-transforms ((\` (("." (\, emacs-temp) t)))))
'(backup-by-copying t)
'(backup-directory-alist ((\` (("." \, emacs-temp))))))
It appears I can prevent customize writing anything out by using:
(setq custom-file null-device)
But this is problematic because customize
settings made outside of my init.el
and it's require
statements, will then never be recorded. Apart from my own (very occasional) use of customize
, other packages may try to write to the custom file - eg package-selected-packages
The way I see it - customize
should only be writing out settings that are not already explicitly set in init.el
, etc. This will avoid trampling of any settings I've explicitly made.
Any other settings made within customize
(or elsewhere) that would not trample anything explicitly set in init.el
, could then be appended to init.el
, or directed elsewhere by custom-file
The closest behaviour to this seems to be the use of setq
not custom-set-variables
which seems to be ignored by customize
. However I take the points that use of defcustom
keywords means that setq
use can be problematic.
My question is - how do I correctly and safely initialize custom values in my initialization script(s), such that they are not then trampled by customize
saving these values back down to a file, and without preventing other customize
values from being saved to file?
Will use-package
help me? Can I make setq
use safe without interleaving setup before and after initialization?