I use `org-export` to generate my end of week email reports. Once of the links I have in those reports is mu4e. I have a helper function to translate them into something more useful: ;; Exporting (defvar my-org-mu4e-index-links (rx (: (or "query:i:" "msgid:") (group-n 1 (one-or-more any)))) "A regex to match mu4e links of the form: query:i:20170228171921.21602-1-ale+[email protected] ") (defun my-org-mu4e-export (path desc format) "Format mu4e links for export." (when (string-match my-org-mu4e-index-links path) (cond ((eq format 'html) (format "<a href=\"%s%s\">%s</a>" "https://www.google.com/search?q=" (match-string 1 path) desc)) ((eq format 'jira) (format "[%s|%s%s]" desc "https://www.google.com/search?q=" (match-string 1 path))) ((eq format 'ascii) (format "%s\nMessage-Id: <%s>" desc (match-string 1 path)))))) (use-package ox :config (org-link-set-parameters "mu4e" :export 'my-org-mu4e-export)) However what I really want is what happens with other links where the link text is surrounded by `[]` and the link is displayed at the bottom of the section. e.g.: Task 1 ====== - posted message [about foo] to mailing list [foo] Message-Id: <bar> However I've not been able to work out where in the exporter transcoders and filters this is done. I assume I should be able to set some sort of parameter for mu4e style links to deal do this.