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Sorry, I'm writing here but it's too long to put it as a comment...

  1. I like my navigation buttons because they are located at the same position on each slide, so you don't need to move the cursor on slide to go back-and-forth, you just click.

  2. The solution you provided works almost fine except the fact that it adds toc button to the titlepage and this is not what I want.

    I tried to circumvent it by mimicking your piece of code for the titlepage like this:

      \setbeamertemplate{background canvas}{%
       \begin{tikzpicture}[remember picture,overlay]
         \node[anchor=west] at ([yshift=5pt,xshift=\paperwidth/2]current page.south west) {

    but this, in turn, devastates the titlepage. Can I set background canvas just for the titlepage in the same manner as for toc page?

  3. Anyway, the line with pretocmd in your code inspired me to invent one more approach. I added: #+beamer_header:\apptocmd{\maketitle}{\AddBackButton}{}{} to the preamble, and

    #+begin_export beamer

    somewhere below the first section and before the first frame . It's not very elegant solution I guess, but it works at least.