In a previous question,, I learned about `isearch-filter-predicate`. Now I wonder if is there a similar method to make regions invisible to functions like `string-match`, `occur` etc.

As an example I have this `LaTeX` code:

<!-- language: lang-latex -->


I use `string-match-p` to test if the `\newline` (`\\`) string occurs in the `LaTeX` `eqnarray` environment. If `nil` I replace "eqnarray" --> "equation". I also need to "ignore" newlines that occur in sub-enviroments like `matrix`, so I thought I could make the regions of these sub-enviroments "invisible" to the `string-match-p` function.

Is there a way to do it? Alternatively I thought I could write the `isearch-filter-predicate` combined with the `search-forward-regexp` function to test for the occurrence of my target string in the region.

This is the code I wrote:

<!-- language: lang-el -->

    (defun skip-if-my-ignore (beg end)
      "Return nil if some text BEG to END has non-`nil' property `my-ignore'."
      (catch 'skip-if-my-ignore
        (let ((pos  beg))
          (while (< pos end)
            (when (get-text-property pos 'my-ignore) (throw 'skip-if-my-ignore nil))
            (setq pos  (1+ pos))))
    (defun test-invisibility ()
        (let* ((a (copy-marker (point-min)))
    	   (SUB_ENVIRONMENTS (regexp-opt '(
    	    (goto-char a)
    	    (while (search-forward-regexp (concat
    					   "\\(" SUB_ENVIRONMENTS "\\)"
    					  nil t)
    		(let* ((b (copy-marker (match-beginning 0)))
    		       (SUB_ENV (match-string 1))
    		       (e (copy-marker (search-forward-regexp
    					(concat "\\\\end{" SUB_ENV "}") nil t))))
    		  (put-text-property b e 'my-ignore t)
    		    (narrow-to-region b e)
    		    (let ((isearch-filter-predicate  'skip-if-my-ignore))
    		      ;; should not ask for replacements (in sub-environments)
    		      (perform-replace "\\\\newline" "MATCHED" t t nil 1 nil b e) 
    		      (if (string-match-p "\\\\newline" (buffer-substring b e))
    			  (read-string "string-match-p matched the string. I don't want this!")
    			(read-string "string-match-p didn't match the string. I WANT THIS!"))
    		      (if (search-forward-regexp "\\\\newline" e t)
    			  (read-string "search-forward-regexp matched the string. I don't want this!")
    			(read-string "search-forward-regexp didn't match the string. I WANT THIS!"))
    		      ;; should not find occurrences in the sub-environments:
    		      (occur "\\\\newline" 1))))))))
    	(remove-list-of-text-properties (point-min) (point-max) '(my-ignore))))))