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I have a similar question. Below is my exploration process and results.

Reading the magit-rebase-autosquash function shows that the rebase commit is hardcoded with :merge-base, which is the HEAD of the upstream branch in magit-rebase-interactive-1.

I think the intention is to avoid inconsistencies between the local and upstream commits.

(defun magit-rebase-autosquash (args)
  "Combine squash and fixup commits with their intended targets."
  (interactive (list (magit-rebase-arguments)))
  (magit-rebase-interactive-1 :merge-base
      (nconc (list "--autosquash" "--keep-empty") args)
    "Type %p on a commit to squash into it and then rebase as necessary,"
    "true" nil t))

If we want to autosquash on any commit, we should press r -a i, and C-c C-c directly, as -a Autosquash will automatically adjust the commits that need to be squashed, so we only need to confirm (C-c C-c) directly.