Given I'd like to keep using `global-flycheck-mode`, how can I make sure flycheck is automatically disabled when editing org-mode documents? Or maybe is just activate it for code blocks?

I found [this discussion]( but I admit I don't know what to do with this information. :\



I'm trying to create a timestamp with both date and time in org-mode (without adding to agenda), and I read from [the docs]( that I should be using this cord:

> C-u C-c !

However, I get this in my minibuffer:


Seems like its waiting for more input. I'm an Emacs n00b so I'm not really sure what's happening here. I get the same behavior with 

> C-c !

Both versions with `.` work fine, though:

> C-u C-c .
> C-c .

What's happening here?


**UPDATE**: Thanks to suggestions from the comments below, I've determined Flycheck is doing something to screw this up: here's my flycheck config

    (use-package flycheck
      :ensure t
      :init (global-flycheck-mode))
    (add-hook 'after-init-hook #'global-flycheck-mode)

Where can I look to find if there is a colliding key binding?