I try to print all key bindings in the current buffer using
In the message buffer, the entries are not fully printed & are replaced by
after a level. Like this,
((keymap (46 . tern-ac-dot-complete) (3 keymap (4 . tern-get-docs) (3 . tern-get-type) (18 . tern-rename-variable)) (27 keymap (44 . tern-pop-find-definition)
(67108910 . tern-find-definition-by-name) (46 . tern-find-definition))) (keymap (menu-bar keymap (Hide/Show menu-item "Hide/Show" ...)) (S-mouse-2 . hs-
mouse-toggle-hiding) (3 keymap (64 keymap ... ... ... ... ...)))
and also, the print format is ugly. How to pretty print the list? I can do list traversing and print it, but looking at the depth of output string, i am keen on avoiding it.