I have suffered from the same error for many months.

Eager macro-expansion failure: (wrong-number-of-arguments (3 . 4) 2)

I tried verifying the `init.el` by "bisecting" technique. I could not identify the cause by this. I found that the `init.el` file itself was not the cause of the error.

I tried 'M-x packge-refresh-contents' but it did not fixed the problem.

Finally, I could fix the error by the following steps.

1. take a backup of the `~/.emacs.d/` directory including the `init.el` file.
2. remove the `~/.emacs.d/` directory completely
3. recreate the `~/.emacs.d/` directory by `mkdir` command
4. copy the `init.el` file from the backup into the newly created `~/.emacs.d/` directory.
5. start emacs; effectively applying the restored `~/.emacs.d/init.el` file.
6. Emacs emitted some errors, that said some directories are missing under the `~/.emacs.d`, for example `~/.emacs.d/conf`. So I created them as told to.
7. Emacs emitted some errors, that said 4 or 5 packages are refered to in the `init.el` but not actually installed. So I freshly installed those packages by `M-x package-list-packages`. At this timing, I noticed that `~/.emacs.d/elpa` directory was newly created and contents were downloaded.
8. Finally, my emacs launched without "Eager macro expansion error".

I think that I could fix the problem because I once removed the `elpa` directory completely, and I recreated it with fresh package contents.

My computer: Mac Book Air, 2019
My OS: macOS Sonoma, version 14.7
My Emacs version: 29.4