I want to style some HTML source block exports differently than others.  

Say I want the "Hi" block to have a green background and "Bye" to be red:

#+COMMENT: -*- org-html-htmlize-output-type: css -*-

#+begin_src python

#+begin_src python

The relevent HTML export is,

<div id="content">
<div class="org-src-container">
<pre class="src src-python"><span class="org-keyword">print</span>(<span class="org-string">"Hi"</span>)

<div class="org-src-container">
<pre class="src src-python"><span class="org-keyword">print</span>(<span class="org-string">"Bye"</span>)

Each block corresponds to a `org-src-container` or `src src-python` and there is no way to differentiate them individually via CSS (unless I'm mistaken).

My thought is to assign a class or id tag to an individual block's `div` or `pre`. It seems like `#+ATTR_HTML` might work but the following produces the same output:

#+COMMENT: -*- org-html-htmlize-output-type: css -*-

#+ATTR_HTML: :class myclass :id myid;
#+begin_src python

#+begin_src python

How can I add a class or id selector to specific block exports?


From looking at the Org docs more, it appears that `#+ATTR_HTML` is only for tables and links when used with a source block. Frustratingly, it works exactly how I would like it to for example blocks: https://emacs.stackexchange.com/questions/31528/org-mode-change-code-block-background-color?rq=1 I suppose I could use that, except syntax highlighting doesn't seem to apply to example block exports.

I tried advising the `org-html-src-block` to include the desired tags (based off of https://emacs.stackexchange.com/questions/44315/generate-different-markup-for-not-tangled-code-blocks-in-org-mode/44539#44539). Unfortunately, I couldn't find a way to pass information to the function (e.g. such as through a new key-value pair within the `#+begin_src` line). The `info` parameter only contains meta-data.

Finally, I tried applying a filter (i.e. regexp replace). This worked for single lines, but I couldn't get it to apply generally, such for multiple lines or to have a generic form. Using the regexp-builder, I could capture the code portion, the CSS tag, and the value with


This would correspond to the `print("Hi")`, `background-color`, and `rgb(255, 0, 0)` in

#+begin_src python
print("Hi")  # background-color: rgb(255, 0, 0)

This was inspired by: https://emacs.stackexchange.com/questions/20417/org-mode-highlight-lines-i$|org-export-derived-backend-p