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Keyboard shortcuts, key chords, key sequences, hotkeys, or any association between key combinations and corresponding actions in Emacs.

1 vote

Keymap define key not working for evil mode

You should use capital K instead of S-k as follows (define-key evil-motion-state-map "K" nil) or nicer (I think) (evil-global-set-key 'motion "K" nil) If you place it after activating (evil-mode) th …
dalanicolai's user avatar
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4 votes

`Shift + ESC` in key binding

When defining keybindings in Emacs, it is generally easiest to lookup their 'string representations' pressing C-h k followed by pressing the key chords you would like to bind.1 You will see the 'strin …
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1 answer

Why my minor mode bindings do not get precedence over global/major mode bindings? BUG?

EDIT: ANSWER The cause for the problem in this question was pointed out in the Emacs mailing list. It is due to the (kbd ...) forms not getting evaluated because the keymap in the define-minor-mode is …
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1 vote

How to map the space/insert whitespace key to a some key for the evil mode?

You can use kbd for defining the keybinding. You can look up the string that kbd expects by using C-h k M-SPC. Subsequently, you can just use the insert function inside a command to insert some string …
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1 vote

Capital M is behaving weirdly in insert-state of evil-mode

In answer to your 'update', You should use an escape character before the "M" as explained in the Changing Key Bindings section of the elisp manual. Alternatively, you could wrap the "M-r" in a kbd fo …
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1 vote

Disable mouse-3 (right click) from deleting/killing text

I guess (global-set-key [mouse-3] nil) should do it
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0 votes

describe-key for sequence mappings such as those in evil-mode

You can 'describe' the binding by first pressing d, then C-h k followed by i d. I think these are called sequential bindings. Modal (editing) means that there exist different modes (i.e. in vim, in ev …
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0 votes

how to unbind M-1 in spacemacs?

This keybinding is defined in the winum-keymap. You can unbind it using: (define-key winum-keymap (kbd "M-1") nil) global-unset-key is for removing global keybindings only, not bindings defined in sp …
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2 votes

Orgmode: How to refresh Local Org Setup (C-c C-c) from keybinding?

org-mode uses font-lock to show the emphasis markers. So you can just 'reapply' the fontification using font-lock-update. You could bind the following command to your preferred keybinding (defun org-t …
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1 vote

How to get help on a symbol at point with [F1]?

Drew and Nick already provided useful answers, but just to come back to the custom function in your answer, I would just use the following (and also I think for such basic function, docstrings and com …
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1 vote

modify some binds in a package's hydra

EDIT in response to the comment Indeed, it seems that the case of omitting the BODY-MAP is not well explained. Then we can use pp-macroexpand-last-sexp to expand the hydra definition (place your curso …
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2 votes

How to rebind "gj" for org/evil normal mode?

EDIT Looking a bit further, we find that evil-org-mode defines a minor-mode with the same name. And in the documentation for evil-define-key we find that the syntax below can be used to configure key …
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3 votes

Binding a key in another package's yet undefined map in use-package?

EDIT In response to @Tyler's comments here, and his answer and the comments there After looking again at the 'Binding to local keymaps' section of the use-package documentation, I now understand that …
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3 votes

How do I learn which key prefix a keymap is bound to?

Looking at the definition of define-prefix-command we find that a prefix is created by assigning the map to the function cell of a symbol (via fset). From this, we conclude that a prefix is actually a …
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1 vote

Is it reasonable for a mode-writer to bind keys relative to other keymaps?

If you are writing a mode for a language then I assume it's gonna be a major-mode. I am not sure what is your exact goal, but generally, documentation, including that for the major-mode map, can be fo …
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