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12 votes

What is the difference between refill-mode and auto-fill-mode?

If you are continuously typing text without making mistakes or editing, then the end result would be the same in both cases. auto-fill-mode isn't so helpful when editing existing text, though (...
phils's user avatar
  • 53.1k
7 votes

Org-mode Auto-Fill-Mode

If you want to globally set auto-fill-mode, as you say, the solution would be to put this in your .emacs.s/init.el (or equivalent): (add-hook 'org-mode-hook 'turn-on-auto-fill) This means that all ...
dirkjot's user avatar
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6 votes

Org-mode Auto-Fill-Mode

If you want a single org file that you share with others to get auto-filled put this as the first line: # -*- eval: (auto-fill-mode 1) -*- This will cause auto-fill minor mode to be used when the ...
Brian C.'s user avatar
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5 votes

What is the difference between refill-mode and auto-fill-mode?

refill-mode does more than auto-fill-mode, and does it automatically. This may be what you prefer but there are situations where refill-mode is not convenient. E.g., when you edit text shared with ...
phs's user avatar
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5 votes

How to have fill-paragraph/fill-region break the line after a period?

You have sentence-end-double-space set to its default value, which is t. The relevant part of the docstring: Documentation: Non-nil means a single space does not end a sentence. This is ...
Dan's user avatar
  • 33.4k
4 votes

org-mode, auto new line at 80th column?

This will work: (add-hook 'org-mode-hook '(lambda () (setq fill-column 80))) (add-hook 'org-mode-hook 'auto-fill-mode) It enables a minor mode called auto-fill-mode that does exactly what you asked ...
Vitorqb's user avatar
  • 103
4 votes

Prevent hooks from parent mode in derived mode

Prevent hooks from parent mode in derived mode Not trivial. I certainly can't think of a nice approach. You may find of interest, though. How can I disable ...
phils's user avatar
  • 53.1k
3 votes

Org-mode Auto-Fill-Mode

If you want to fill all the lines in a region, use the command M-x fill-region. To mark the entire buffer (so the region includes the entire file), use the command M-x mark-whole-buffer, which is also ...
Tyler's user avatar
  • 22.8k
3 votes

Problems trying to turn on auto-fill in a directory local way

The directory local variables are set after the major mode command run. Otherwise the major-mode dependent file local variables would not work. Therefore, you just buffer-locally add turn-on-auto-...
Tobias's user avatar
  • 33.7k
3 votes

Prevent fill-paragraph from wrapping past horizontal rules

You can add the following lines to your init-file. Additionally to the default setting, they define lines consisting of at least two equal non-alphanumerical characters as paragraph start and ...
Tobias's user avatar
  • 33.7k
3 votes

Separate fill-column value for org-mode

This should do it: (add-hook 'org-mode-hook (lambda () (setq fill-column 100)))
dmg's user avatar
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2 votes

Strategy for proper version control of "auto-filled" text files

Yes, you want visual-line-mode. See the Emacs manual section 14.22 (run M-: (info "(emacs)Visual Line Mode") to jump right to it inside Emacs).
db48x's user avatar
  • 19.1k
2 votes

How to have fill-paragraph/fill-region break the line after a period?

I'm referring to Emacs Wiki to answer your question. Paragraph Boundaries By default, text-mode assumes that empty lines separate paragraphs. The boundaries of paragraphs are determined by two ...
Prasanna's user avatar
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2 votes

I keep accidentally turning on fill mode; how am I doing this, and how do I undo it?

When some key sequence triggers an unexpected command, use view-lossage (bound to C-h lby default) to see what keystrokes Emacs has recently received. This is most useful since Emacs 25 as it now ...
glucas's user avatar
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2 votes

What is the difference between refill-mode and auto-fill-mode?

M-x auto-fill-mode inserts newlines as you keep inserting characters. M-x refill-mode goes a step further, it triggers on all kinds of changes, including deletion of text (and undoes filling if ...
wasamasa's user avatar
  • 22.4k
2 votes

Org mode: Turn off auto-fill altogether?

Org mode is a derived mode of Text mode: if you turn auto-fill-mode on for Text mode, then you turn it on for all derived modes, including Org mode. If you want it on for Text mode but want it off for ...
NickD's user avatar
  • 33.6k
2 votes

Make Emacs fill in text up to 80 columns

I assume that you are using M-q (fill-paragraph) to wrap the text? If so, then it breaks the text at the end of the last word prior to the fill column. This does leave most lines shorter than the fill-...
db48x's user avatar
  • 19.1k
2 votes

turn off auto-fill in org tables?

Try not setting auto-fill-function at all in your config file: it is set from normal-auto-fill-function which is do-auto-fill by default, but it is org-auto-fill-function in Org mode buffers. There is ...
NickD's user avatar
  • 33.6k
2 votes

Python Documentation String Indent In Auto-Fill Mode (Emacs 26.2)

This is the expected behaviour as resulted from the emacs manual: When Auto Fill mode breaks a line, it tries to obey the adaptive fill prefix: if a fill prefix can be deduced from the first and/or ...
Ian's user avatar
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2 votes

fill-paragraph does not honor fill-column

Filling is a general facility which can depend on more than just the fill-column variable, however the first thing to test is simply that you're checking the fill-column value for the correct buffer --...
phils's user avatar
  • 53.1k
1 vote

auto-fill-mode without automatic indentation

Presumably, you want to use paragraph-indent-text-mode or paragraph-indent-minor-mode which are resp. major and minor modes to use when editing text where paragraphs are separated by having the first ...
Stefan's user avatar
  • 26.7k
1 vote

ES6 imports auto suggestion

As DoMiNeLa10♦ metioned, lsp-mode can do this: You should install typescript-language-server in your system and lsp-mode, js2-mode, autocomplete in your emacs. You can check these link for more ...
chiangxinyu's user avatar
1 vote

How do I stop lsp-mode from re-indenting my comments after a newline

I found this: A comment there suggested setting lsp-enable-on-type-formatting to nil. I did that and re-opened a file, and it worked for me. It was no ...
Rob N's user avatar
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1 vote

How can I run auto-fill before each save in the complete buffer?

I think this is what you are after; let me know if not. (defun fill-buffer () "Fill whole buffer" (interactive) (fill-region (point-min) (point-max))) (add-hook 'before-save-hook 'fill-...
Ajned's user avatar
  • 794
1 vote

Set auto-fill in markdown mode, but exclude code block headers

auto-fill-mode refers to the variable auto-fill-function to determine how to fill lines. auto-fill-function is always a local variable, making it easy to define your own function for any mode you like....
Tyler's user avatar
  • 22.8k
1 vote

(Sudden) Weird behavior of M-q in auctex

Entries in LaTeX-indent-environment-list control the filling behavior in environments. If you want the standard filling AUCTeX applies to environments, remove entries for your appendices from it and ...
Arash Esbati's user avatar
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1 vote

How to set automatic indentation to move past numbers on first line?

I customized variable adaptive-fill-regexp by adding 0-9. to the big character class. We'll see how it works out, but preliminary results look promising.
Norman Ramsey's user avatar
1 vote

Auto line break in a specified window

auto-fill-mode is what you look for. You can type M-x auto-fill-mode to toggle it to be enabled, then type SPC to let it do filling automatically after copying/yanking the content.
whatacold's user avatar
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1 vote

Turn on auto-fill-mode when editing a commit message with Magit?

I had comment-auto-fill-only-comments set to t. Since Magit commit buffer supports comments, it won't auto-fill. (use-package git-commit   :ensure nil   :preface   (defun me/git-commit-set-fill-...
Mathieu Marques's user avatar
1 vote

Turn on auto-fill-mode when editing a commit message with Magit?

As far as I know, neither git-commit-fill-column nor git-commit-turn-on-auto-fill is deprecated, although the docstring of git-commit-fill-column suggests that you use fill-column directly. (Before ...
Kyle Meyer's user avatar
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