2 votes

Hide ifdef(or gray out) through compile_command.json

old but it may help someones. You need to use lsp token highligthing by setting this variable: lsp-semantic-tokens-enable to t.
user36858's user avatar
2 votes

lsp mode does not recognize standard library

I solved the issue. It was not an emacs-ccls or lsp-mode issue but a clang issue. The issue started when I installed gcc-9 on Ubuntu-18.04 using the toolchain-r/test repo: sudo add-apt-repository ppa:...
Andi's user avatar
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1 vote

Store output of xref-find-apropos in a variable within elisp code

We can ask for references from the LSP backend directly: (lsp-request "workspace/symbol" `(:query ,symbol)) This returns a hashmap I can further parse and find locations by looking at 'uri' ...
Evgenii.Balai's user avatar
1 vote

Store output of xref-find-apropos in a variable within elisp code

By inspecting the xref-find-apropos -> xref--find-xrefs -> xref--create-fetcher functions, we find that xref-backend-apropos is the working horse. Calling that function with the appropriate ...
dalanicolai's user avatar
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use .dir-locals.el to setup blacklist (based on projectile root) for ccls (c++mode server)

You were pretty close. I imagine you want something like this? ((nil . ((eval . (progn (require 'projectile) (setq-local ccls-initialization-options ...
phils's user avatar
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