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What does dependency mean in the Status field of a package shown in list-packages

Testing confirms that packages labeled "dependency" are those which are installed only because they are dependencies of other packages you have installed. The package manager actually won't let you ...
phils's user avatar
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2 votes

What does dependency mean in the Status field of a package shown in list-packages

I can't tell you what it means (I can guess, but you'll probably get a good answer here). But I can tell you how to ask Emacs about it, in case you don't already know. Usually the Emacs doc provides ...
Drew's user avatar
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2 votes

use-package and dependencies

use-package is a macro around require. Macros are expanded before code execution. The purpose of a macro is to create syntactic sugar to make code easier to read, understand, and maintain. Your ...
Heikki's user avatar
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2 votes

ignore dependencies when setting CANCELED todo-state

It is actually explained in the docs that it is possible to simply override the enforcement of todo dependencies by using the C-c C-t command with triple prefix argument: C-u C-u C-u. Also, there is ...
Daniel Dinnyes's user avatar
2 votes

ignore dependencies when setting CANCELED todo-state

I have not found a builtin way to accomplish this "easily", so I wrote the following two functions which can manually be invoked to change the status of all todo states in a subtree to CANCELLED and ...
Melkor333's user avatar
1 vote

Todo dependency graph?

Have you seen Karl's article on org-depend? I think that I'd try to use org-gantt and taskjuggler to create an overview for more complicated task blockades ...
p_wiersig's user avatar
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