4 votes

Advantages of setting variables with setq instead of custom.el?

Emacs 29 introduced a macro, setopt, for setting options outside of the customization interface. Like Drew explained, setq doesn't work right for options that use :set: for example try (setq show-...
Arch Stanton's user avatar
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3 votes

How to print and read a list to(from) a file?

(insert (format "%s" sample-list)) C-hf format tells you: %s means produce [...] any object with ‘princ’. %S means produce any object as an s-expression (using ‘prin1’). See C-hig (elisp)...
phils's user avatar
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1 vote

How do I get the name (string) of a compiled function?

Not sure when this became possible but there is now an built in emacs function to get the name of a compiled function called subr-name This can be used for conditionals as OP was looking for. For ...
thomasSDK's user avatar
1 vote

display in the mode-line the number of characters in the selection

I ended up making my own function, I will leave it here in case anyone is interested in the future: (defun mode-line-region-chars (prefix middle subfix) (if (use-region-p) (let ((characters (...
trxgnyp1's user avatar
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