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gud opening source in gud interaction window

I'm having similar issue with 24.5.1 which comes with Ubuntu 16 LTS. Seems to be somehow related to this issue and using "gud-gdb" command as suggested in an answer to revert to the old GUD behavior ...
hshib's user avatar
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Highlight current line in GUD disassembler window

This is the solution I came up with using hl-line. I needed to advise the function that updates the disassembly buffer and invoke hl-line-highlight directly to make it work. (defadvice gdb-...
nispio's user avatar
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gdb over ssh via tramp fails (but gdb-gud works?)

This is bug#44151, see I've fixed this in Tramp, which will be released later today on GNU ELPA. Note that this bug describes a further problem, which seems to ...
Michael Albinus's user avatar
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How to set gud gdb -i=mi not to replace current buffer?

The automatic pop-up of the i/o buffer can be disabled by setting gdb-display-io-nopopup to t. In your .emacs file, add: ;; Prevent gdb from popping i/o window to the foreground on every output op (...
Pablo Halpern's user avatar
1 vote

Disabling autocompletions in gud-gdb

From your code snippet I can observe clangd is not used correctly, there are some command line arguments that must be passed to get useful results. These are as follow: --background-index: if omitted,...
Ian's user avatar
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colored custom gdb configuration not shown in GUD

This is working as expected, because Emacs is not a terminal emulator. You can add some support for these basic escape sequences to it if you want, but be aware that GUD also parses the output to look ...
db48x's user avatar
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gdb-many-windows causes hangs in emacs 24.5

If thats indeed gdb-many-windows problem. One can avoid using gdb-many-windows and define similar functionality inside the function gdb-get-source-file. You can modify the source file and build from ...
phonycollectibles's user avatar
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Configure gud to invoke python3 debugger instead of python debugger

At least in emacs 27, this is controlled by the customization gud_pdb_command_name. The easy way to set it is to invoke pdb once, to get past any autoload issues, then M-x customize_option ...
icarus's user avatar
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Set colour/font for markers

See this answer. Except in your case: (set-fringe-bitmap-face 'right-triangle 'my-custom-curly-face)
muffinmad's user avatar
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Problem debugging in `gud-mode' (M-x `gdb' with `many-windows' enabled)

I solved this by upgrading to gdb-8.2.
John DeBord's user avatar
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Highlight current line in GUD disassembler window

Thanks to @lawlist nudging me into the source code, I found out that gdb mode will highlight the line for me, but only on the condition that the window containing the disassembly does not have fringes....
nispio's user avatar
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How to step into a c++ std library function in gdb/gud

There's nothing you can do with Emacs that will change how this works, since you're just asking Emacs to ask gdb to step. Try compiling your program with -Og -ggdb, to ensure that you have the maximum ...
db48x's user avatar
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Can't start gdb over ssh

My problem was I didn't have gdb installed on the remote side.
Robin Green's user avatar
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Bindings for source code when debugging in gdb/gud

The right place is gud-minor-mode-map. I have got the following bindings in my setup. Pick whatever suits you for your setup. (defun gdbTZA-gud-run-or-cont (arg) "Combination of `gud-run' and `gud-...
Tobias's user avatar
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gud opening source in gud interaction window

I also had problems with gdb-many-windows. My window and buffer setup was always messed after certain events. I decided to rewrite it myself, so I can also customize my window setup better. You have ...
bertfred's user avatar
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How do I change the working directory used by pdb/gud?

Emacs specific: Using a custom elisp function to call pdb with the -c COMMAND option, specifying the command as import os; os.chdir('..') (modifying directory as needed). Working example: (defun pdb-...
c_48's user avatar
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How do you break a running program under gud?

A working solution for myself: (global-set-key (kbd "<f6>") (lambda () (interactive) (gud-stop-subjob) ...
xiaobing's user avatar
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