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9 votes

Icomplete and Ido: Why are both in the codebase?

Ido is implemented in a way that would require a big rewrite for it to support completion in different context, not just the handful of the pre-defined ones. But it was born at the time when it was "...
Dmitry's user avatar
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6 votes

Edit org-mode tags using ido or ivy completion

For those users of an ivy/counsel persuasion, the command counsel-org-tag (added in v0.6 AFAICT) enables ivy-backed completion (including multiple selection and deselection) of org-mode tags: ...
Basil's user avatar
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6 votes

Why ido mode automatically change current folder when create new file?

You should either set ido-auto-merge-work-directories-length to a negative value, or increase the number of seconds in ido-auto-merge-delay-time.
jagrg's user avatar
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5 votes

distinguish ido/ivy's virtual-buffers with equal names using directory?

According to, it's simply (setq ivy-virtual-abbreviate 'full) It's not quite as nice as opened buffers (where only the differing part is shown), but ...
unhammer's user avatar
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5 votes

What does 'ido-everywhere' actually do?

ido-everywhere function (define-minor-mode ido-everywhere "Toggle use of Ido for all buffer/file reading. With a prefix argument ARG, enable this feature if ARG is positive, and disable it ...
jun's user avatar
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4 votes

Emacs - suppress Completion Buffer

Set the variable completion-auto-help to lazy. The documentation says: Non-nil means automatically provide help for invalid completion input. If the value is t the *Completion* buffer is displayed ...
matteol's user avatar
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4 votes

When using C-x C-f turn off the suggestions

Asuming that C-x C-f is bound to ido-find-file you drop back to the non-Ido version by typing C-x C-f again or just C-f. This will allow you to create the file you want without Ido interfence.
FredrikHedman's user avatar
3 votes

Can counsel functions use ido-flex style matching?

For a regular counsel (that is actually using ivy backend) try to setup smth like: (setq ivy-re-builders-alist '((swiper . ivy--regex-plus) (t . ivy--regex-fuzzy))) ...
Maxim Kim's user avatar
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3 votes

Recently opened files in ido-mode

what I've resorted to in this case is going back to normal minibuffer behaviour by typing C-f in idomode. Then you'll have normal history browsing keys. If you know it in advance, it can be quick : C-...
yourfriend's user avatar
3 votes

Setting the major mode of a new buffer interactively

I know this is not exactly what you're asking, but the Emacs way to solve this problem is to use C-x C-f instead of C-x b (if you don't want to create a file, just don't use C-x C-s in that buffer).
Stefan's user avatar
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3 votes

How can I exit completing-read with the current string instead of a completion with fido?

You have to use icomplete-fido-exit. It's by default bound to M-j. (icomplete-fido-exit FORCE) Attempt to exit minibuffer immediately with current input.
Zeta's user avatar
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2 votes

How to disable IDO in ‘dired-create-directory’

For files (and directories, not buffers) C-f makes it fall back to non-ido behavior. C-f runs the command ido-magic-forward-char (found in ido-completion-map), which is an interactive compiled Lisp ...
x-yuri's user avatar
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2 votes

Failed to load ido.el

Ido is part of Emacs since Emacs 22, you can (and should) load it without any setup. Emacs 24 can or can't load Emacs 25's ido.el. The backtrace complains: can't load seq. seq is added from Emacs 25.1....
xuchunyang's user avatar
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2 votes

Using ido completion for selecting a repository for magit

Finally, I found the solution to my problem. magit-status ultimately calls read-file-name. The read-file-name function uses read-file-name-function variable to find the function that it can call for ...
narendraj9's user avatar
2 votes

Using ido completion for selecting a repository for magit

Magit only used magit-completing-read when reading "magit-specific" things. When reading things that other packages also need to read, then it uses the specialized functions provided by Emacs instead. ...
tarsius's user avatar
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2 votes

is there some sort of namespace(or filter) for files and buffers per frame available?

Define "belong together". Only you know which files and buffers belong to a given context/project. If you can define that set then you can label its elements. In some contexts you can introduce your ...
Drew's user avatar
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2 votes

How select and kill desire many buffers in ido mode?

ido isn't designed for that; use the buffer list instead. C-x C-b opens a buffer containing a list of all buffers that are open. In this buffer you can use C-k to mark buffers to be deleted, then x to ...
db48x's user avatar
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2 votes

Why ido mode automatically change current folder when create new file?

It's also possible to pause Ido completion by typing C-f at the Ido prompt as soon as you have the correct directory, and then type the new file name: C-x C-f navigate to directory C-f type new file ...
PRouleau's user avatar
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2 votes

find-file using ido as case sensitive

Set ido-case-fold to nil -- User Option: ido-case-fold If the value of this user option is non-‘nil’, searching of buffer and file names should ignore case. update Take care of: do not ...
Muihlinn's user avatar
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2 votes

How to delete backward word in find-file using ido?

It was conflicting with ido's keybinding so I disabled it. (defun bind-ido-keys () "Keybindings for ido mode." (define-key ido-completion-map (kbd "\C-o") 'nil)) (add-hook 'ido-setup-hook #'bind-...
alper's user avatar
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2 votes

Is it problematic to use simultaneously Helm and Ido-mode? What are the consequences?

1, ido-compleing-read can only select from string list. helm supports Emacs builtin API completing-read. Here is completing-read documentation. So helm is more powerful. ido and helm are bit old. ...
chen bin's user avatar
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2 votes

Is it problematic to use simultaneously Helm and Ido-mode? What are the consequences?

Question 1: Helm provides all the functions that ido does. You can use helm to find files, switch buffers, or do anything else that ido is used for. In addition, Helm can do a lot more, both in the ...
Tyler's user avatar
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2 votes

How to remove empty space on ido-find-file's completions minibuffer window

[UPDATE] The issue is reported to be fixed in Emacs 29 trunk. I had this question myself and your post had stimulated me to finally research how to do it. Here's the current solution (or rather a fix, ...
Y. E.'s user avatar
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1 vote

Icicle: After load icicles the ido mode is gone?

Please take a look at the Icicles documentation. Section Icicles - Ido and IswitchB covers this. It tells you, for example, "You cannot use Icicles and Ido together, however – they use the minibuffer ...
Drew's user avatar
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1 vote

How to get vanilla find-file in Spacemacs

You can manually call find-file like this: M-: (call-interactively 'find-file) But you would want to bind to a key by defining a function: (defun native-find-file () "Native Emacs find-file." (...
Compro Prasad's user avatar
1 vote

`Ido-completing-read` word by word in the minibuffer

It's not exactly what I wanted before, but it's not too far away. The idea is to use recursive minibuffer and to run ido-completing-read with the good parameters each time the user type TAB. So you ...
tobiasBora's user avatar
1 vote

When using C-x C-f turn off the suggestions

This isn't the default behavior of Emacs, so it's likely that you're using a package that modifies it. I'm going to guess that you're using ido-mode. I occasionally get annoyed by this same aspect of ...
db48x's user avatar
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1 vote

How to exclude bookmarks from ido virtual buffers?

I think I found the solution, but I don't know if it will break something. So far, it works fine. (defadvice ido-add-virtual-buffers-to-list (around k--advice-remove-bookmarks activate) (let ((...
kermit's user avatar
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1 vote

IDO rebind C-j to C-<RET>

Solution for this problem is following, first null CUA map bind because it overrides everything and then bind <C-return> normally to IDO map. (define-key cua-global-keymap (kbd "<C-return>...
dev1223's user avatar
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