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Company duplicates

Depending on what causes the duplicates, you might be talking about, (which are actual ...
Dmitry's user avatar
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Emacs 25.1 & Python 3.6.0 Integration [Newbie]

This seems to be bug in emacs and its fixed in this commit. As npostavs mentioned, you can use (with-eval-after-load 'python (defun python-shell-completion-native-try () "Return non-nil if ...
Chillar Anand's user avatar
2 votes

Emacs Company-Jedi Python3 auto completion

Are you using Python 3.7? Jedi doesn't support that version yet and so falls back to the next highest, which on most systems should be 2.7. There's a couple of things you can do: You can simply wait ...
InspectorMustache's user avatar
1 vote

Errors in python buffer when type docstrings

I had this same problem and for me the problem was caused by python-mode. Removing python-mode and falling back on the emacs-25 default (python.el) solved the problem.
Mike Vella's user avatar
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Emacs 25.1 & Python 3.6.0 Integration [Newbie]

I use the following: (setq python-shell-interpreter "ipython3" python-shell-interpreter-args "--simple-prompt --pprint") For python 3.6 I found jedi with company to be the most reliable but others ...
eflanigan00's user avatar
1 vote

prompt available function list after input dot symbol

from this document: (add-hook 'python-mode-hook 'jedi:setup) (setq jedi:setup-keys t) ; optional (setq jedi:complete-on-dot t) ; optional
beetlej's user avatar
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Can company-mode show the doc of the functions?

By default company-mode doesn't seems to have that feature, BUT there is a package called company-box that take care of the documentation among other things: Without company-box: With company-box: (...
Fermin MF's user avatar
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How to improve ‘jedi‘ package's load time

While switching configurations I've came across this issue yet again and I believe I have a workaround for this if you're still interested. The steps I do to reproduce: start fresh emacs, venv-workon ...
Tomasz Grining's user avatar
1 vote

How could I change the font color on the popped out window (jedi)?

It's auto-complete package. Completion candidates colors can be changed by customizing ac-completion-face, ac-candidate-face, ac-candidate-mouse-face and ac-selection-face. That window with ...
muffinmad's user avatar
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Python definitions not found by Jedi

Works as expected for me: $ pip show jedi --- Name: jedi Version: 0.10.0 Location: /usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages Requires: Ensure the latest version of Jedi: pip install --upgrade jedi
abo-abo's user avatar
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Spacemacs: Company-Anaconda doesnt work

That one solved the issue for me: # pip install --upgrade jedi json-rpc service_factory Had wrong dependencies.
NoMorePen's user avatar

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