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7 votes

How do I prevent extremely long lines making Emacs slow?

I created my own solution for this problem here: I was not satisfied with phils solution which switches a buffer with very long lines to fundamental-mode,...
Andreas Raster's user avatar
4 votes

Make visual-line-mode more compatible with org-mode

The package phscroll written by misohena perfectly solved the problem. It adds overlays to beginning/end of line if the width of elements like org-table exceeds the length, while keeps the line-wraps ...
Leu_Grady's user avatar
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3 votes

How to avoid term turn line wrap into line break for long output

As @npostavs posted in comment: (setq term-suppress-hard-newline t)
Yuji's user avatar
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How to prevent eww from truncating lines?

I'm using eww, and needed line wrapping. First I tried line truncation, but that cut through the middle of words. visual-line-mode seems to provide intelligent line-wrapping on whitespace in the most ...
Aaron Hall's user avatar
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3 votes

How to prevent eww from truncating lines?

A little investigation indicates that you'll need to modify the various shr-fill-* functions to achieve this. The shr-width variable may or may not still be relevant at that point, but it seems ...
phils's user avatar
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2 votes

Pasting Text from Clipboard - why ^M instead of linebreaks?

Combined with @aagaard 's solution. This worked for me: (if (eq system-type 'windows-nt) (progn (set-clipboard-coding-system 'utf-16-le) (set-selection-coding-system 'utf-16-le)) (...
Matthew Zeng's user avatar
2 votes

How do I prevent extremely long lines making Emacs slow?

Emacs 29 will feature improvements in that area. A lot of that is optimizing the display engine subroutines to work better with longer lines. Better algorithmic complexity, I imagine.
Dmitry's user avatar
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2 votes

How do I prevent extremely long lines making Emacs slow?

Although the question asks for how to handle long lines in a file, I often experience this problem when working with a buffer such as a command interpreter, or comint (e.g. shell). It may be possible ...
Lorem Ipsum's user avatar
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2 votes

Function for creating a new line but leaving point in same column

(emacs) Inserting Text describes that RET, by default, exhibits similar behaviour, in that it performs mode-dependent indentation on the new line. I believe the only built-in mode-independent way to ...
Basil's user avatar
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1 vote

How to remove the 'line breakable' property for all the thousands of Chinese characters?

C-h f modify-category-entry says: modify-category-entry is a primitive-function in ‘src/category.c’. (modify-category-entry CHARACTER CATEGORY &optional TABLE RESET) Modify the category set of ...
NickD's user avatar
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1 vote

Function for creating a new line but leaving point in same column

Basil gave a good answer for this question. Here's another way to do it, albeit a bit crazy. ;-) (defun my-newline-and-indent (&optional n) (interactive "*p") (picture-mode) (picture-open-...
Drew's user avatar
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1 vote

Make visual-line-mode more compatible with org-mode

This is a good question! The same issue applies when you have an Org table that is wider than fill-column. What I do is open the section in an indirect buffer with org-tree-to-indirect-buffer i.e. C-c ...
D. Smith's user avatar
1 vote

How do I prevent extremely long lines making Emacs slow?

In my shell-mode buffers (M-x shell), I find myself piping to cut -c 1-2000 to avoid long lines.
David Chandler's user avatar
1 vote

Editing files with one-sentence-per-line

Jan Seeger has made Twauctex. One of the features it provides is Enable one-sentence-per-line mode. It says: Usage Simply write your latex as you would normally. twauctex will take care of breaking ...
prash's user avatar
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