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11 votes

How to force Emacs or pinentry to forget wrong GPG password?

Pinentry is only an interface, it doesn't keep any passphrase or permission, and neither does Emacs. It's GPG-agent that manages the ropes. For example, if the time expires or the process dies, you'll ...
Muihlinn's user avatar
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10 votes

Openning a link in mu4e message

g will prompt you for a url to visit, which you select by number. (The numbers appear next to the link in the message) From mu4e you can open the manual at any time with H. This will open the manual ...
Tyler's user avatar
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10 votes

How to view email address details in mu4e?

Set the following variable in your Emacs init file (or try it in the *scratch* buffer) (setq mu4e-view-show-addresses 't) In a pinch, you can also look at the raw message when in view mode with a ...
Chad WALSTROM's user avatar
8 votes

mu4e: do not display messages in the thread that does not respect the query

Ok I found the answer here: type W, or set mu4e-headers-include-related to nil.
tobiasBora's user avatar
7 votes

How can I delete mu4e drafts on successfully sending the mail?

If you use offlineimap (like I do) then your drafts likely accumulate because offlineimap syncs emacs' #autosave# files (kept in Drafts/cur folder). As offlineimap can only ignore files starting with '...
event's user avatar
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7 votes

mu4e: how to stop the unarchiving of entire threads when new message arrives?

You may have display of "related messages" turned on. Try pressing W (note: capital) while in your inbox (mu4e-headers-toggle-include-related) and seeing if those messages disappear. If this is what ...
Stuart Hickinbottom's user avatar
6 votes

How can I easily download/save an attachment in mu4e?

Use e: e runs the command mu4e-view-save-attachment Offer to save attachment(s). If MULTI (prefix-argument) is nil, save a single one, otherwise, offer to save a range of attachments. ...
YoungFrog's user avatar
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6 votes

`mu4e-contexts` multiple gmail accounts using incorrect smtp credentials

It's been almost two years since the question was asked, but I have just had the same problem and I managed to solve it using the smtpmail-smtp-user variable. In the manual it says: If the variable ...
mange's user avatar
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6 votes

How to stop mu4e from inserting line breaks?

This will suffice in emacs nowadays: (add-hook 'mu4e-compose-mode-hook 'turn-off-auto-fill)
ctietze's user avatar
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6 votes

How to prevent mu4e from checking mail when the internet is down?

Use wrapper shell script. Below please find trivial sample script checking connection status as reported by Unix/Linux NetworkManager. #!/bin/sh # exit if there is no internet connection /usr/bin/nm-...
AnFi's user avatar
6 votes

Add CC and BCC when composing an email with mu4e

Look in the Field Menu and select those fields. For me, the key shortcuts are C-c C-f C-c (message-goto-cc) for CC and C-c C-f C-b (message-goto-bcc) for BCC. These will add those fields. ...
John Kitchin's user avatar
5 votes

mu4e - multiple accounts

I'm using a setup very similar to Magnus', and just wanted to add that (mu4e-quit) exists, and it works fine for cleaning up accounts without restarting. Actual mechanism: (defun mail-gmail () (...
Lang Martin's user avatar
5 votes

How can I delete mu4e drafts on successfully sending the mail?

I was suffering from the same problem. The solution I chose is to disable auto-save-mode in mu4e-compose so that drafts do not accumulate: (add-hook 'mu4e-compose-mode-hook #'(lambda () (auto-save-...
Jordan He's user avatar
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5 votes

How to prevent mu4e from checking mail when the internet is down?

(Posting this Q&A combo since it took me a while to figure out, and it might save someone else the trouble.) Based on this answer to a question on how to test for an internet connection within ...
Dan's user avatar
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5 votes

mu4e adds sender with reply-all

Old question, but since it is the first thing that pops up in google (at least for me), I guess it is worth updating. The answer provided by @miguelmorin no longer works, see the manual for Writing ...
juanerasmoe's user avatar
5 votes

Muting threads in mu4e

You need to tag at least one message in the thread with the value "muted" (press aM in the headers buffer), then add a predicate function to mu4e-headers-hide-predicate to determine whether the thread ...
jagrg's user avatar
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5 votes

Add date to mu4e email when forwarding or replying

mu4e uses message.el to edit the messages. The documentation for message-citation-line-function in that package shows: Function called to insert the "Whomever writes:" line. Predefined ...
Muihlinn's user avatar
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4 votes

Removing seconds from :human-date in mu4e

You can customize mu4e-headers-time-format and mu4e-headers-date-format. Their default is to use a locale-dependant format ("%X" and "%x"), so I guess this should do the trick for you : (setq mu4e-...
YoungFrog's user avatar
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4 votes

Coloring mu4e headers based on title content

Line faces are defined in mu4e~headers-line-handler-functions. To change the face conditionally you can set your preferences in mu4e-mailing-list-colors and try the following code (based on the mu4e~...
jagrg's user avatar
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4 votes

mu4e - A "Folder mode" buffer?

Have you seen "mu4e-maildirs-extension" ( This provides something similar to your request, but it does require a specific account/folder structure. ...
Stuart Hickinbottom's user avatar
4 votes

How can I easily download/save an attachment in mu4e?

In view buffer point cursor to the line with attachment: press o for saving it press e for viewing externally Also if you run GNU/Emacs in graphical mode, then right mouse on the attachment displays ...
Alexander I.Grafov's user avatar
4 votes

Configure mu4e for Gmail-style citation (reply quoting)

You need to customize message-citation-line-function. Something like this would help (it may require date formatting to please your needs): (defun my/message-insert-citation-line () "Based off `...
Felipe Lema's user avatar
4 votes

Unable to link org-mode capture items to mu4e email messages

This is an example that works for me and that I have somewhere from the mu4e-pages (require 'org-mu4e) (setq org-capture-templates '(("T" "todo with link" entry (file "~/org/") "* ...
andrej's user avatar
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4 votes

Getting a org link to an mu4e message

The org-mode integration is built-in to mu4e, but it is kept in a separate package that is not enabled by default. You have to run (require 'org-mu4e) After that you can use org-store-link in both ...
Heikki's user avatar
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4 votes

Is there a natural language date parser in Elisp/Emacs?

org-read-date can handle a certain amount of fuzziness, e.g. '22 sept 0:34’ ⇒ 2006-09-22 0:34 ‘w4’ ⇒ ISO week for of the current year 2006 ‘2012 w4 fri’ ⇒ Friday of ISO week 4 in 2012 ‘2012-w04-...
rpluim's user avatar
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4 votes

Trying to separate Private and Work email using mu4e contexts in emacs

There were a number of issues (mostly my ignorance) that causes at least some of my problems. Since this could happen to others, I'll post the solutions here. Things seem to be working fine ...
AstroFloyd's user avatar
4 votes

How to draft email programmatically?

Something as simple as this snippet will work, the only pitfall is that mu4e should be loaded before trying to select a context or it'll fail. From here you can "complicate" the thing as ...
Muihlinn's user avatar
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3 votes

mu4e - multiple accounts

After reading all previous answers in this thread and tweaking around, I came up with the following solution, that assumes separate contexts have been defined, which include a redefinition of mu4e-...
Dalker's user avatar
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3 votes

attach multiple files from the same directory to an email message?

I like to use helm-find-files for this. You navigate to where the files are, mark the ones you want with C-spc, and attach them with C-c C-a (or press tab and find the attach files to email action). ...
John Kitchin's user avatar

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