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5 votes

Org agenda - show items that are in any of a list of categories

You can do complex matching like this easily using org-super-agenda. Install the package with M-x packages-install org-super-agenda then load it using (use-package org-super-agenda :config (org-...
erikstokes's user avatar
4 votes

Org agenda should show all todos of the current week (not separated by days)

As Toon Claes suggested I checked out org-super-agenda and came up with the following solution. Hope this could be useful for some people. (defun start-and-end-date-of-the-week (date) (-let* (((...
Jae's user avatar
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3 votes

grouping tasks in org-agenda

org-super-agenda can do this kind of grouping. Just add (:auto-category t) to the org-super-agenda-groups list. Something like (add-to-list 'org-agenda-custom-commands '("t" "All TODOs groups ...
erikstokes's user avatar
3 votes

custom agenda view in org mode grouping per month

Using org-super-agenda It groups agenda view lines in many possible ways. When installed, a hook and interactive function (M-x eval-buffer in scratch, ...
Alexandr Karbivnichyi's user avatar
1 vote

Sprint Board and org-super-agenda : problems with DONE tasks

I found something which does almost exactly what I want, albeit not as an agenda command. The code that does it: (org-ql-search (org-agenda-files) '(ts-active :from "2022-04-25" :to "...
Jeff Templon's user avatar
1 vote

Struggling to set org-agenda-files per org-agenda-custom-command

Try the following - I have not tested it much to make sure that it works as you want, but it at least works well enough to produce an agenda. The main thing I did is I formatted the custom command to ...
NickD's user avatar
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