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10 votes

How to disable Spacemacs from auto-balancing the split windows?

Spacemacs sets window-combination-resize to t, which causes Emacs to split windows evenly. You need to add this to user-config: (setq window-combination-resize nil)
bmag's user avatar
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9 votes

C-x 3 open a new buffer to the left of the current buffer

C-x 3 is bound to the function split-window-right, that splits the current window horizontally, selecting the left window. We can define a function split-window-left that calls it then change the ...
JeanPierre's user avatar
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9 votes

Split Emacs Screen Three Ways

you can: add this to your .emacs file (split-window-right) (other-window 1) (split-window-below) (other-window -1) set it up manually any time: C-x 3 C-x o C-x 2 C-- C-x o consider using one of ...
Muihlinn's user avatar
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8 votes

desktop-save-mode fails to save window layout

In order for desktop-read (the function used to restore your desktop from a file) to restore the frameset that was saved in the desktop, it must call desktop-restoring-frameset-p (i.e., "should I ...
cyberbisson's user avatar
8 votes

Open helm search result in a new window?

C-z will bring up a new buffer with actions available to helm, and I see the following: [f1] Open file [f2] Open file other window [f3] Save results in buffer [f4] Edit search results So you want C-...
Mitchell Tracy's user avatar
8 votes

Prefer vertical splits over horizontal ones

In my experience this is a harder problem that one might think, because one's intuitive idea of what is sensible is not always easy to put in precise terms. I'll just describe what I've ended up with, ...
Paul Stanley's user avatar
8 votes

Switching between horizontal and vertical splitting?

I use the following for this: (defun toggle-window-split () (interactive) (if (= (count-windows) 2) (let* ((this-win-buffer (window-buffer)) (next-win-buffer (window-buffer (...
Tyler's user avatar
  • 22.5k
7 votes

Switching between horizontal and vertical splitting?

You can roll your own as @Tyler suggested, but there are some packages that support this. Check out the transpose-frame package on MELPA: This handles the simple 2-...
glucas's user avatar
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6 votes

Workspace configuration

I use a combination of two different tools for project management:projectile, for switching between projects, and perspective, for managing frames within a given project. (The two also integrate well, ...
Gastove's user avatar
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6 votes

How can I get a sensible split-window policy?

A little late, but because I also searched for this and could not find a ready solution: You could define your own split-window-sensibly function. To do so, put the following in your init.el: (setq ...
jue's user avatar
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6 votes

How to open new window below _all_ other windows?

Yes, it is. (split-window (frame-root-window) (truncate (* (window-total-height (frame-root-window)) 0.75)) 'below) The crucial part is (frame-root-window) which returns a window spanning the whole ...
wasamasa's user avatar
  • 22.3k
5 votes

Completions buffer messes up window sizes

This appears to be a change in the way completion windows are created/removed. You can avoid it by setting window-combination-resize to t: (setq window-combination-resize t) The current default ...
Tyler's user avatar
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5 votes

Is there a better way to override opening window in compilation-goto-locus?

You could use display-buffer-alist and dispatch on the executed command, like this. (defvar display-buffer-same-window-commands '(occur-mode-goto-occurrence compile-goto-error)) (add-to-list '...
politza's user avatar
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5 votes

Open vertical splits to the right

(setq evil-vsplit-window-right t) Now, I can't tell you where to put this because I don't use Spacemacs, but I'm reasonably sure you already know.
wasamasa's user avatar
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5 votes

How to open multiple files without automatically activating the "Buffer List" split?

The user option which determines whether a Buffer Menu is displayed is inhibit-startup-buffer-menu: inhibit-startup-buffer-menu is a variable defined in ‘startup.el’. Its value is nil Documentation: ...
Basil's user avatar
  • 12.5k
4 votes

Open several files in a specifc layout with a shortcut

It will be necessary to decide ahead of time what windows/buffers will be A, B and C. The alist argument for the left window-width can be adjusted to taste -- it is presently hard-coded to 70. This ...
lawlist's user avatar
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4 votes

emacs home made perspective: source + eshell + compilation

Here is a bare-bones minimum viable function, which I hope does what you want. (defun wjh3pane-create-3pane-layout () "Create 3-pane layout of windows in the current frame. Layout is as follows: ...
deprecated's user avatar
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4 votes

can other-buffer in split windows select a visible buffer?

other-buffer takes an optional third argument that says it's okay to use buffers visible in other windows. The relevant bit of the docstring: (other-buffer &optional BUFFER VISIBLE-OK FRAME) ...
Dan's user avatar
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4 votes

Minimap avoiding change window

It's been happening to me ever since I installed Emacs + Spacemacs. After a year, I decided to fiddle with M-x customize group minimap, and just found out that the 3rd option from top to bottom, "...
dennismayr's user avatar
4 votes

How to force new `shell` to appear in current window?

Here's what I have for this. It opens a shell in the current window. (add-to-list 'display-buffer-alist '("^\\*shell\\*$" . (display-buffer-same-window)))
Chris McMahan's user avatar
4 votes

Switching between horizontal and vertical splitting?

I've not tried the transpose-frame package so I don't know how it compares, but I use the package . Combined that with using the config: (...
Marty Neal's user avatar
4 votes

Copy-paste text among Split Window Buffers

Here is another opinionated implementation, it assumes 2 windows layout and isn't as sophisticated as append-to-buffer, the point is Emacs is very easy to extend. (defun my-copy-to-next-window (b e) ...
xuchunyang's user avatar
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4 votes

Open org-mode links to info in different window?

I happened on this old thread as I was trying to figure out the same headache myself, and I thought it worthwhile to share my solution. You can modify the info link handling in a few ways. One method ...
lima's user avatar
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4 votes

Two windows split horizontally-> can't split vertically

Emacs is doing what you are asking it to do, unfortunately. is a package which allows you to flip the contents of your frame along the horizontal or ...
Realraptor's user avatar
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4 votes

How can I split a window so that the cursor ends up in the right / lower window?

Try this: (defun olav-split-window-left () (interactive) (select-window (split-window-right)))
Fran Burstall's user avatar
4 votes

What controls whether `M-x compile` splits a frame into two windows?

compile displays the output buffer using display-buffer (as do most other commands, fwiw). You can see this in compile.el, which is included with Emacs. There is always a link from the help for a ...
db48x's user avatar
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3 votes

How to prevent some new buffers from splitting the window?

There is a global option to prevent splits from being opened: (setq pop-up-windows nil) When writing scripts you can locally assign this which won't apply outside the scope of the function, eg: (...
ideasman42's user avatar
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3 votes

Is it possible to open links in another buffer (Org Mode)?

Please have a look at the variable org-link-frame-setup. In its documentation string you'll find the searched for information. You might do this with the keyboard sequence C-h v and then typing above ...
Dieter.Wilhelm's user avatar
3 votes

Workspace configuration

Consider using Emacs bookmarks, with Bookmark+, including, in particular: Desktop bookmarks. Bookmark-file and Bookmark-list bookmarks. Dired and Dired-tree bookmarks. Search for "dired" in the ...
Drew's user avatar
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3 votes

Is there a way to configure default window split positions when interacting with commands?

The variables split-height-threshold and split-width-threshold can be customized to control how the function split-window-sensibly behaves:
lawlist's user avatar
  • 19.4k

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