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jue's user avatar
jue's user avatar
  • Member for 7 years, 7 months
  • Last seen more than a month ago
1 vote

use-package: autoload function outside the main package file

1 vote

roll back org-mode version

1 vote

Counting number of matches in number of lines for regex search

1 vote

Compile output re-write

1 vote

YASnippet: Avoid electric pairs at expansion time

1 vote

Emacs 26.3: Weird frame title issue with KDE

1 vote

How does scoping work in emacs lisp

1 vote

Using C-h inside the box to delete character [company-mode]

1 vote

How to configure a command to open in same-window unless already open in active frame?

1 vote

Emacs not indenting enum / enum class contents

1 vote

Defining minor-mode buffer-local variables

1 vote

slime-call-defun equivalent in sly?

1 vote

How can I tell counsel's `counsel-git` to ignore certain file endings and folders

1 vote

Why do these two different use-package declarations (for the same package) have different effects?

1 vote

Shell's "read" command in an elisp script

1 vote

Which mail client in Emacs can schedule mail sending to every specific mail?

1 vote

Change buffer displayed in window after x amount of time

1 vote

No Title Bar on Emacs 25 + Mac

1 vote

How can I have multiple *Help* buffers with different content?

1 vote

Building Command to Append Selected Text to End of File (w/Tab Completion)

1 vote

Does emacs have some kind of customized popup creator?

1 vote

Finding Numbers in Brackets and Summing Them

1 vote

Can't get prettier-js working

1 vote

write-file-functions: Clarification as to permanent local behavior with add-hook

1 vote

redirect stderr to a file in call-process-region

1 vote

Sending mail in mu4e on emacs25 (or debugging make-network-process hangs)

1 vote

Suspend frame, run a bash command, sleep for a few seconds and come back to emacs

1 vote

use-package does not execute `:config`

1 vote

Hide arguments of commands in Proced

1 vote

tramp and fish shell (local)