Sorry, I'm writing here but it's too long to put it as a comment...
I like my navigation buttons because they are located at the same position on each slide, so you don't need to move the cursor on slide to go back-and-forth, you just click.
The solution you provided works almost fine except the fact that it adds toc button to the titlepage and this is not what I want.
I tried to circumvent it by mimicking your piece of code for the titlepage like this:
\makeatletter \pretocmd{\maketitle}{\thispagestyle{navigation@titlepage}\label{toc}}{}{} \def\ps@navigation@titlepage{% \setbeamertemplate{background canvas}{% \begin{tikzpicture}[remember picture,overlay] \node[anchor=west] at ([yshift=5pt,xshift=\paperwidth/2]current page.south west) { \setbeamercolor{button}{fg=white,bg=lightgray} }; \end{tikzpicture}% } } \makeatother
but this, in turn, devastates the titlepage. Can I set background canvas just for the titlepage in the same manner as for toc page?
Anyway, the line with
in your code inspired me to invent one more approach. I added:#+beamer_header:\apptocmd{\maketitle}{\AddBackButton}{}{}
to the preamble, and#+begin_export beamer \AddTableOfContentsButton #+end_export
somewhere below the first section and before the first frame (between the first node with
and the first node with**
in an org-file). It's not very elegant solution I guess, but it works at least.