i cannot use emacsclient on windows 10. Starting it with the gui client works well but trying to start it in command line mode from a terminal, for example running emacsclient -nw -c is there a correct way to do that?

1 Answer 1


On Windows there is no terminal version of Emacs, only Gui-versions. So using emacslient.exe or emacsclientw.exe is the same thing. The behave slightly different in what they tell you on the command line. emacsclient.exe starts a CMD console if run from Start menu or explorer. emacsclientw.exe is a native GUI application that starts as any Windows app.

But you can still start a daemon with multiple client windows. The first client needs to start a server if there is no running already. You do that by adding -a "" as an option. This tells Emacs to connect to the default server named "". You can start multiple servers with different names if needed. And you need to add -c to create a new frame, otherwise emacsclient reuse an existing frame. And that is useful if you want to open a file from the command line.

You can add the option --tty to emacsclient but that don't make any difference. You will get a GUI window anyway.

emacsclient.exe -c -a ""

- or-

emacsclientw.exe -c -a ""

- or -

emacsclient.exe --tty -c -a ""

All above will start a server and a window.

Or you can start the server first, either in background or foreground, and then start the emacsclient. Running a foreground server is good for troubleshooting. And the background is probably wanted when in a stable state.

emacs.exe --fg-daemon

- or -

emacs.exe --bg-daemon

emacsclient.exe -c

emacsclientw.exe -c

So the short answer, emacsclientw.exe -c -a "" should be the command you are looking for.

To start a new client, use C-x 5 2, and to close the window, C-x 5 0. And to exit Emacs, run M-x kill-emacs to kill all windows and the server.

Hopes this helps.

  • So I was wrong about that there being no terminal version of Emacs on Windows. To my surprise there was if you start with emacs.exe -nw. I guess that I used emacsclient.exe for so long and when that stop working I gave up on that. And forgot about it.
    – sdaaish
    Commented Feb 25, 2023 at 20:47
  • But it won't help anyway since you can't run an emacsclient in another console than in that the server is running. Described in the documentation, last paragraph. gnu.org/software/emacs/manual/html_node/emacs/… So strictly speaking you can run emacsclient in a terminal, but it's not practical in reality. Emacsclient and server don't support the '-s' option, a named server, so there is likely no way to make this work. Could be wrong, but my tests didn't work as they did with the GUI version.
    – sdaaish
    Commented Feb 25, 2023 at 21:00

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