Somebody in my team has checked in a file with MS-DOS line endings into the git repo. with vi's binary mode, vi -b hello.py, i can see lines ending with ctrl character - ^M.

In emacs, whitespace-mode, the same characters are shown with $ sign. I infer, emacs has changed ^M/$ chars uniformly to $ chars.

How can i restrict emacs from converting windows line feed into unix line feed and rather show the line feed chars - ^M in its original form and not as $?

I am trying to figure out, if git local repo can be configured to do this windows to unix line feed mapping, rather than emacs doing it.

  • 1
    Note that Emacs does not automatically convert from one EOL type to another. It will just recognise the EOL style for a given file (if it is consistent) and display the file as if that style was native.
    – phils
    Commented Jul 26, 2015 at 20:37
  • 2
    What do you see in mode line? It should show current encoding, so if you're on Unix-like system, it will show DOS label. Do you see it? You can easily convert entire file into Unix EOL style with C-x RET f or M-x set-buffer-file-coding-system. Git can be scripted to perform such conversion automatically too, but this requires additional efforts. See here for example. Commented Jul 27, 2015 at 17:32

1 Answer 1


First, ^M is the carriage-return character, not the linefeed char (that one is ^J.

Here is one answer for this part of your question: How to show the line feed chars - ^M in its original form and not as $:

  1. By default, ^M characters should be highlighted using face escape-glyph. Are you sure this is what you are seeing? Try customizing that face (M-x customize-face) to something more noticeable than the default coloring.

    If you do not see escape-glyph highlighting with your Emacs setup, try starting from emacs -Q (no init file). Now do you see this highlighting?

    If so, then recursively bisect your init file, to see which part of it introduces the problem. You can use command comment-region to comment out a selection of text, and C-u with that command to uncomment a selection.

  2. You can also try using library highlight-chars.el, which gives you more options for highlighting characters (any characters). Here is more info about this library.

For the line-end conversion part of your question, have a look at the Emacs manual, node Text and Binary.

Someone else can speak to how you might use GIT to perform the conversion automatically.

  • Drew, i installed highlight-chars.el. when i run hc-highlight-chars, the minibuffer prompts Chars to highlight. How can i give the control character ^M` here. Since C-v \n that i use in vim, has got other bindings it seems
    – Saravana
    Commented Jul 27, 2015 at 0:39
  • 2
    You can always insert a control character in Emacs using C-q. So you hit C-q RET (or C-q C-m). See the Emacs manual, node Inserting Text. The key RET (or C-m) is itself bound to a command, so it is not self-inserting in the minibuffer (or in most other contexts, for that matter).
    – Drew
    Commented Jul 27, 2015 at 0:42

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