I'm trying to make a table like so:
| | x | y |
| a | 12 | 354 |
| b | 45 | 65 |
Then when I export it to pdf via beamer/latex I'd like to have a short comment below it (like Souce: www.google.com). Is this possible to do?
I'm trying to make a table like so:
| | x | y |
| a | 12 | 354 |
| b | 45 | 65 |
Then when I export it to pdf via beamer/latex I'd like to have a short comment below it (like Souce: www.google.com). Is this possible to do?
After much google-ing, I've found a way to make this happen. It relies on the LaTeX package threeparttable
so you must add that to your org preamble:
#+LATEX_HEADER: \usepackage{threeparttable}
You can then add comments in the following manner:
#+ATTR_LATEX: :environment tabular :width \textwidth :center nil
| | x | y |
| a | 12 | 354 |
| b | 45 | 65 |
\item[] here are some notes \item[] Here's a note on a new line
Which produces a nicely-formatted table as a pdf through beamer.
#+CAPTION: ...
line must occur directly after the #+begin_table