Is there a way to get info to display the current node in any of buffer-list/ibuffer/helm-buffers, especially when there are multiple info buffers ? Ideally uniquify should be sufficient to distinguish amongst multiple info buffers, but currently I only see *info*<n> (n being a natural number). My uniquify-buffer-name-style is set to post-forward-angle-brackets if it makes any difference.

Since emacs makes it relatively hard to open multiple info buffers, I am assuming my scenario is not idiomatic. I would prefer for a way to get uniquify do the right thing automatically, though I would be happy to hack something if someone can point to me the right way.

I want to identify individual info buffers when switching in the buffer-list, preferably in the same manner as uniquify does.

EDIT: Previously, I was not seeing the node name in the modeline as well and phrased the question as such. But turned out a modeline customization was overwriting it. So Drew's answer info+.el only solves the previous iteration of this question caused by a misconfiguration on my part. I have now emphasized my actual question.

2 Answers 2


In the buffer list displayed by list-buffers you can see the current node and Info file in the last column (named File). But if you want to add the current node name to the buffer name, then when visiting a new node just type the prefix arg C-u before a navigation command (e.g. C-u f where f is bound to Info-follow-reference, or C-u RET where RET is bound to Info-follow-nearest-node, etc.) and it will display a forked node with the name *info-<node-name>*.

  • Note that ibuffer does not display the node name in a similar way.
    – user227
    Commented Oct 19, 2014 at 19:47
  • Using the prefix argument before navigation solves my issue. I can use any of ibuffer\helm-buffer to quickly switch to a relavent info file.
    – Vamsi
    Commented Oct 21, 2014 at 15:55

If you use library Info+ (info+.el) then the current node name is in the mode line by default.

In fact, breadcrumbs are shown in the mode line by default (and the breadcrumbs end in the current node name). This is controlled by option and command Info-breadcrumbs-in-mode-line-mode.

(You can alternatively or additionally show breadcrumbs in the header line - option Info-breadcrumbs-in-header-flag.)

As for opening multiple Info buffers: most often I use M-n to clone the current Info buffer and navigate to where I want the clone to go.

  • 1
    Ooh, info-virtual-book seems really handy. I can see myself making some cheatsheets. I will wait for a day before marking the question answered. Thanks for the package.
    – Vamsi
    Commented Oct 18, 2014 at 2:50
  • 2
    Yes, wait, as I expect others will have quite different answers for this question. Your question is mostly about naming and recognizing Info instances, I think, and there are surely multiple ways to answer that.
    – Drew
    Commented Oct 18, 2014 at 2:52

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