I'm trying to write my thesis in org-mode, and so far it feels amazing. The integration with my todo system, the easy markup language, integration with latex. Wow.
But recently (since I upgraded to the latest latex version on my Arch system, and installed biber from the separate package) the export to pdf cannot find my references anymore.
If I export to .tex first and then run latexmk -f -pdf minimal.tex
from the command line everything does work correctly.
Here are the relevant settings in my init file:
(setq org-latex-pdf-process
(list "latexmk -f -pdf %f"))
Because it uses so many files, I made a small git repo with all the files.
- minimal.org is the source file. note that some of the lines start with
# +
, and are thus comments. - minimal.bib is a tiny bibliography file.
- minimal.tex is the auto-generated .tex file.
- fromlatexmk.pdf is the pdf file generated from the command line with the .tex file as input.
- fromorgmode.pdf is the pdf generated from org's
C-c C-e l p
), with the failed references.
I hope somebody can help me solve this mystery!