I want to write function that will create new empty buffer, populates it with current term
buffer contents, preserving point and window-start positions, and switch to it right away. Basically I want to make my own term-line-mode
. Function below do it all great, with only problem that its not preserving coloring of term buffer:
(defun sandric/duplicate-current-term-buffer ()
(let ((duplicate-buffer (get-buffer-create "NEWBUF"))
(term-point (point))
(term-window-start (window-start))
(term-overlay (make-overlay (point-min) (point-max))))
(copy-to-buffer duplicate-buffer (point-min) (point-max))
(switch-to-buffer duplicate-buffer)
(set-window-start (selected-window) term-window-start)
(goto-char term-point)
(move-overlay term-overlay (point-min) (point-max) duplicate-buffer)))
I know nothing about coloring in emacs, and how its actually works, as I understand, it is done via overlays? So in that code I tried to get current term buffer overlay and copy it to newly created duplicate buffer. But I see no color. Can anyone explain how should I tackle this?