I recently upgraded to yasnippet 0.10.0, on emacs 24.5.1/OS X and noticed that some of my yasnippets are not loaded anymore, but this only affects some. I can see that these are still in the compiled list of snippet, but entering the snippet key and TAB doesn't do anything anymore.
I tried reloading and recompiling the list of yasnippets, but didn't have any luck.
One of the snippets that doesn't work anymore looks like this:
# -*- mode: snippet; require-final-newline: nil -*-
# name: function
# key: lerj
# --
My yasnippet setup:
(setq yas-snippet-dirs '("~/Documents/playground/emacs/my-emacs-config/yasnippet-snippets"))
In the compiled file .yas-compiled-snippets.el
I can also see that the snippet is registered:
("lerj" "lerj\n$0" "function" nil nil nil "/Users/max/Documents/playground/emacs/my-emacs-config/yasnippet-snippets/php-mode/log-error-json_encode" nil nil)
But also when executing yas-describe-tables
only 2 snippets are liseted, but not the lerj
I only noticed that behaviour since I upgraded yasnippet to a more recent version, but I couldn't find any similar bug report.
? Perhaps it's being overwritten.name: function
copy/pasted in some other templates, previously this wasn't an issue apparently, now they stopped working. Fixed that, thanks! If you want to write an answer, I will accept it.