When I start Emacs with emacs -Q --eval '(set-face-attribute (quote default) nil :height 180)
, the font changes for a split-second, but then returns to its default. Same thing if I put the code in my init file.
If I deliberately cause an error with emacs -Q --eval '(progn (set-face-attribute (quote default) nil :height 180) (bing))
, the change sticks. But this doesn't work if I put the code in my init file—I guess that whatever mechanism Emacs uses to recover from init-file errors doesn't prevent the font-size-revert code from running.
How do I get Emacs to accept my default font size?
I'm running Emacs 25.1.2 (from kelleyk's PPA) on Ubuntu 16.10.
that will serve to set the default to your liking such that you can forego usingset-face-attribute
? For example, on OSX --with-x my applicable frame parameter is(font . "-Adobe-Courier-normal-normal-normal-*-20-*-*-*-m-110-iso10646-1")
and I also pass along additional frame parameters programmatically based on a situation -- e.g.,(make-frame (list '(name . "ZTREE")))
You can have a function that determines your situation and passes the appropriate parameter based thereon. See alsomodify-frame-parameters