I'm running org-mode 9.0.9 which I downloaded off of the official org-mode website. When I execute a shell code block I get the following error.
executing Shell code block...
org-babel-execute:shell: Wrong number of arguments: #[(session body &optional params stdin) "ÆÇ!ÆÈ!ÉÊ \"AÉË \"AÌ?ÍÎÏ!!@AÐr@q5ÑPc
#p#Þ .ËG[ßàáâãä HåæG!½çèG\"GqéÓIJKêLBLëìíp!!b`dMNM{JNM|*îïðñâB!Ñ\"OC\"\"PbòóQ!Óô#òRÓô#)õíp!!üìíp!!bJc)BKö÷ÑøóB;é!#K\"KKÔÓOIñKR\".ù\"\"Ñ#ËÉÊ \"AÃÉÊ \"AGÔVÃÆÇ!ÉÊ \"AÉË \"AÌ?ÍÎÏ!!STúrSqÑPc
é\"+ËûFâB!\"UtÉü \"AVWýW?sþW9ÿW9[W9\\W9]W9^W0_W0`W0aW>bW>UsÆc!XÍÎÏ!!YZdrYqUc)rYqÒÓZÓÔ%,eX!)*)" [stdin params padline shebang stdin-file script-file org-babel-temp-file "sh-script-" "sh-stdin-" assoc ...] 12 ("/usr/local/share/emacs/24.5/lisp/org/ob-sh.elc" . 4485)], 5
byte-code: End of buffer [2 times]
Org mode version 9.0.9 (9.0.9-dist @ /home/charvey/.emacs.d/org-9.0.9/lisp/)
The line that references /usr/local/share/emacs/24.5/lisp/org/ob-sh.elc is suspicious. I don't want to use the built-in version of org-mode. How can I fix this error? Is it because org-mode is using mixed code versions?