When I print large tibbles from R it takes a very long time and the iESS buffer runs extremely slowly thereafter (huge lag moving the cursor throughout the buffer or typing). The code below takes 5 minutes to finish printing whereas in Rstudio it takes a second. I'm using ess-17.11 and the latest tidyverse installed using devtools: devtools::install_github("hadley/tidyverse")
start_time <- Sys.time()
tst_tibble <- gapminder %>%
# change the year filter to add or subtract columns
# from the final tibble
filter(year < 1975) %>%
unite(loc_yr, continent, country, year) %>%
select(loc_yr, lifeExp) %>%
spread(loc_yr, lifeExp)
print(Sys.time() - start_time)
Any help?