I have an org table and I will like to convert in into a tree.

So, from:

| 1 | 2 | 3 |
| a | b | c |
| l | m | n |

I will like to go to:

* a
  :2:        b
  :3:        c
* l
  :2:        m
  :3:        n

I tried this. But it did not work.

Also, I am running spacemacs.

1 Answer 1


org-transform-table/org-tree-buffer-from-org-table only works if the table contains outlines, so for your example it would have to look like this:

| 1   | 2 | 3 |
| * a | b | c |
| * l | m | n |

One way to transform your table is to put point in the first content cell (in your example on a) and then type M-: (org-table-eval-formula most-positive-fixnum "'(concat \"* \" $1)" nil nil t) RET. After that, M-x org-transform-table/org-tree-buffer-from-org-table RET should yield the desired result.

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