Currently I'm using a fairly inefficient way to check if one list uses another list at it's end. Is there a more efficient way to do this?

(defun is-in-list (ls-haystack ls-ends-with)
  (catch 'found
    (while (not (or (eq ls-haystack t) (null ls-haystack)))
      (when (eq ls-haystack ls-ends-with)
        (throw 'found t))
      (setq ls-haystack (cdr ls-haystack)))))

2 Answers 2


What you are looking for is known in Common Lisp as tailp and is present in Emacs Lisp as cl-tailp:

(defun cl-tailp (sublist list)
  "Return true if SUBLIST is a tail of LIST."
  (while (and (consp list) (not (eq sublist list)))
    (setq list (cdr list)))
  (if (numberp sublist) (equal sublist list) (eq sublist list)))

Use nthcdr:

(let* ((x '(4 5))
       (y `(1 2 3 . ,x)))
  (eq (nthcdr (- (length y) (length x)) y)
;; => t
(defun foo (list list2)
  "Return t if LIST ends with LIST2."
  (eq (nthcdr (- (length list) (length list2)) list)

(let ((x (list 4 5)))
  (foo (cons 1 (cons 2 x))
;; => t

;; it is ok if LIST is shorter than LIST2
(foo '(1 2) '(1 2 3 4))
;; => nil

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