I frequently need to split strings, while keeping the separator. Researching the elisp manual, I am not finding a way to split a string according to a separator, without consuming the separator itself.

For example, split-string splits a given string into substrings based on the regular expression separators, but the substrings lose the separator:

(split-string "* one * two * three" "\*")


("" " one " " two " " three")

I could use s-slice-at, from @magnars s.el

(s-slice-at "\*" "* one * two * three")

("* one " "* two " "* three")

I could also try to rewrite split-string myself. Still, I was wondering if there is a built-in way to do it as part of Emacs core?

If not, could somebody please point to a good way to do that properly?

  • 2
    So you just want s-slice-at with a different name?
    – abo-abo
    Commented Dec 25, 2014 at 17:02
  • No, I am happy with that. I was wondering if one must add a library to his toolchain just for that, or perhaps elisp has an idiomatic way to do that already (beside copying the relevant code form s.el)?
    – gsl
    Commented Dec 25, 2014 at 17:05
  • What's wrong with copying some code, or requiring some library? That's how all software is built.
    – abo-abo
    Commented Dec 25, 2014 at 17:07
  • Nothing wrong of course. Since I am an absolute beginner, I was wondering if there was indeed already a way to do it without copying code or requiring an extra library, as I would like to learn the basic idiomatic way first.
    – gsl
    Commented Dec 25, 2014 at 17:09
  • Alright, if you want to learn, rewrite split-string to do what you want. The code of s-slice-at isn't great anyway, since it uses recursion.
    – abo-abo
    Commented Dec 25, 2014 at 17:13

2 Answers 2


Perhaps a shorter example, using cl library:

(defun chop (string separator)
  (cl-loop with seplen = (length separator)
           with len = (length string)
           with start = 0
           with next = seplen
           for end = (or (cl-search separator string :start2 next) len)
           for chunk = (substring string start end)
           collect chunk
           while (< end len)
           do (setf start end next (+ seplen end))))

(chop "* one * two * three" "*")
("* one " "* two " "* three")

But delimiters are strings, not regular expressions.

  • Thank you, I like this version, since I could use it when programming in Common Lisp as well, but I would need to preserve the separator, not to discard it. The final result should be ("* one " "* two " "* three")
    – gsl
    Commented Dec 26, 2014 at 20:06
  • @gsl yes, sorry, I somehow completely forgot about that :)
    – wvxvw
    Commented Dec 26, 2014 at 20:34
  • I know that some people do not like using the cl library, but I confess I am partial to it. I like using code where I can leverage the Common Lisp constructs. I know this may sound like anathema to some (please, take it as a trivial comment by an absolute beginner like myself), but personally, I wish and hope one day Elisp will slowly merge into Common Lisp. Having said that, I am not surprised to see that this solution is, to my beginner, naive eye, simpler and more readable that the solution based on pure elisp idiom (of course the other solution has a few more options). Thank you so much.
    – gsl
    Commented Dec 27, 2014 at 8:39

Here's some code for you. This is a slightly modified split-string. I've removed trim option for simplicity and added keep-sep option. The diff is basically 2 lines, so you could say that this code is idiomatic:

(defun split-string (string &optional separators omit-nulls keep-sep)
  "Split STRING into substrings bounded by matches for SEPARATORS."
  (let* ((keep-nulls (not (if separators omit-nulls t)))
         (rexp (or separators split-string-default-separators))
         (start 0)
         this-start this-end
         (list nil)
          (lambda ()
            (when (or keep-nulls (< this-start this-end))
              (let ((this (substring string this-start this-end)))
                (when (or keep-nulls (> (length this) 0))
                  (push this list)))))))
    (while (and (string-match
                 rexp string
                 (if (and notfirst
                          (= start (match-beginning 0))
                          (< start (length string)))
                     (1+ start) start))
                (< start (length string)))
      (setq notfirst t)
      (setq this-start start this-end (match-beginning 0)
            start (match-end 0))
      (funcall push-one)
      (when keep-sep
        (push (match-string 0 string) list)))
    (setq this-start start this-end (length string))
    (funcall push-one)
    (nreverse list)))

(split-string "* one * two * three" "\*" t t)
;; -> ("*" " one " "*" " two " "*" " three")

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