I want to run a function and do different actions based on the next key sequence.

I have this.

(defun ask-for-C-b-or-M-b (key-sequence)
   (interactive "KPress Key")
    ((seq-set-equal-p key-sequence
                      [?\C-b]) "C-b pressed")
    ((seq-set-equal-p key-sequence
                      [?\M-b]) "M-b pressed")))

 (call-interactively 'ask-for-C-b-or-M-b)

This works for C-b but not for M-b and I would like to use the kbd function

(kbd "C-b") instead of [?\C-b]
(kbd "M-b") instead of [?\M-b]

I'm trying to get extra keys in a hydra without making a new hydra

(defhydra hydra-test
   "test hydra"
   ("SPC" ask-for-C-b-or-M-b "Do complicated thing"))

1 Answer 1


I believe the missing link you're looking for is listify-key-sequence, which will "convert a key sequence to a list of events". Luckily, this works for both key sequences and for the values returned by kbd, so the following should return true:

(equal (listify-key-sequence [?\C-b])
       (listify-key-sequence (kbd "C-b")))

So your function would be:

(defun ask-for-C-b-or-M-b (key-sequence)
   (interactive "KPress Key")
    ((seq-set-equal-p (listify-key-sequence key-sequence)
                      (listify-key-sequence (kbd "C-b")))
     "C-b pressed")
    ((seq-set-equal-p (listify-key-sequence key-sequence)
                      (listify-key-sequence (kbd "M-b")))
     "M-b pressed")))

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