I'd like to use subfigures in org-mode files. In MS Word, this could be easily done by inserting the subfigures of a figure into a table with invisible borders. Then the size of each subfigure can be adjusted as you like.
Is there a way to use subfigures like this in Org-mode?
I tried to set size with e.g. #+ATTR_ORG: :width 400
, and it only works on a single figure.
So, this works with the intended figure size:
#+CAPTION: Test Figure
#+NAME: fig:test0
#+ATTR_ORG: :width 400
But when put into a table, the specified figure size (width) is ignored. (And the actual size of the sub-figure is used, which is way too large).
#+CAPTION: Test Figure
#+NAME: fig:test
#+ATTR_ORG: :width 400
| [[file:build/test.png]] | [[file:build/test.png]] |
I have (setq org-image-actual-width nil)
in my init.el. And this is under Emacs 26, Ubuntu 20.04, and Org mode version 9.3.7 (9.3.7-8-g3ed035-elpaplus). I am interested in exporting the org file to multiple targets including ODT. (So, I am looking for a generic solution.)
If the above usage is wrong, what is the correct usage to get properly sized subfigures?
-- Update --
This blog about extending org link syntax seems relevant. I guess I am looking for an extended way of specifying the image size as part of the link, with something like this:
[[file:build/test.png :width 300]]
as in
#+CAPTION: Test Figure
#+NAME: fig:test
| [[file:build/test.png :width 300]] | [[file:build/test.png :width 300]] |
Is this doable in org?