I often want to define a whole bunch of variables at the top of an org file. In some cases I think it would be really nice to define all the variables in a table. So far, the best solution I've come up with is this:

#+NAME: variables
| Variable | Value      | Description |
| user1    | alice      | Manager     |
| user2    | bob        | Developer   |

#+NAME: lookup
#+begin_src emacs-lisp :var data=variables var="a var name"
  (nth 1 (assoc var data))

#+begin_src sh :var user=lookup(var="user1")
 echo $user

: alice

That works, but the syntax :var user=lookup(var="user1") is verbose, and it gets tiresome to call lookup in every :var header argument. I'm wondering if there is a way to register each variable and value in the table as though they were defined like this:

#+NAME: user1
: alice

#+NAME: user2
: bob

That way, you could write source blocks with simple and familiar :var header arguments, like:

#+begin_src sh :var user=user1
  echo $user

: alice

So I guess my question is: is there a way to "register" the variables/values in the variables table in such a way that would let me use them like :var user=user1?

Or even just an alternative way to do something similar that you find works for you?

EDIT: I perused the org source code a bit; I don't see any super easy way to do this. Maybe the best idea would be to introduce a new header argument, like #+begin_src :tblvar user=user1, which resolves variables defined in a table.

2 Answers 2


I don't find this any easier than what you have already shown, but here are some different approaches that use advanced features (https://orgmode.org/manual/Advanced-features.html) of naming fields in tables. You have to put the $ in the first column to name these constants. Getting these into your variable is a little verbose, but explicit at least. The org-table-get-remote-range function returns a string of the value in parentheses, so I use read to turn it into lisp, then a car in the front to get the element from the list.

#+NAME: variables
|   | Value       | Description |
| $ | user1=alice | Manager     |
| $ | user2=bob   | Developer   |

#+begin_src sh :var user=(car (read (org-table-get-remote-range "variables" "$user2")))
 echo $user

: bob

If having extra functions is on the table, you might do something like this:

#+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp
(defmacro ot (name field)
  `(car (read (org-table-get-remote-range ,(symbol-name name) , (symbol-name field)))))

so that it is a little shorter:

#+begin_src sh :var user=(ot variables $user2))
 echo $user

: bob

The final version, which may not be a good idea is to load the variables in the table to a local variable space in the buffer. To do this, you have to get the variables by going to the table, analyzing it and then using setq-local to add them to the local space.

#+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp
(defun org-goto-named-table (name)
  (let ((pos (catch 'pos
           (cl-loop for table in  (org-element-map (org-element-parse-buffer) 'table 'identity)
            (when (string= name (org-element-property :name table))
              (throw 'pos (org-element-property :contents-begin table)))))))
    (when pos (goto-char pos))))

(defun org-load-local-table-variables (name)
    (org-goto-named-table name)
    (cl-loop for (name . value) in org-table-local-parameters
         do (eval `(setq-local ,(intern name) value)))

Then you need a src block to run the function that loads them:

#+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp
(org-load-local-table-variables "variables") 

: ((user2 . bob) (user1 . alice))

And finally, you can use `, notation to use those var-names in your src-blocks. I leave it to you to decide if these variables should be prefixed, e.g instead of user2, maybe variables-user2.

#+begin_src sh :var user=`,user2
echo $user

: bob

You might also consider variations on this theme where instead of using setq-local, you use the returned results of the org-load-local-table-variables and do look up by alist, etc...

  • Amazing! I am learning a lot from this. Commented Feb 22, 2021 at 17:57

I use #+constants: variable=value for this and then (org-table-get-constant "variable") to get the value for src blocks etc. The advantage is that constants can be used directly in tables with $variable.

  • 1
    I am missing an example. Where do you use the lisp part? In a separate code block? $variable, do you use in a table? - I voted for the Q:, I would like also for the answer...
    – jaromrax
    Commented Feb 13, 2021 at 9:43
  • 1
    The lisp part can be used in src blocks to set variables, as in :var myvar=(org-table-get-constant "variable") on the #+begin_src line. In tables, the $variable can be used in any formula where you would use, e.g., a reference to an entry in the table such as @3$5.
    – éric
    Commented Feb 13, 2021 at 10:28
  • Cool idea. It's definitely nice to be able to define several variables in one line using #+CONSTANTS. Commented Feb 18, 2021 at 20:08

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