I have a bunch of recipes under different headline, and each have an ingredient list specified as a table.
I would like to access that table as an list in a src block using the headline id, same as if I where to use the name table name (which is very easy)
Truth to be told I have a usecase where I'd like to do the same for lists.
* Recepies
** Killer Sandwich
:ID: 0123
A really good sandwich!
#+name: sandwich_recipie
| 1 | piece | bread |
| 100 | g | cheese |
| 100 | g | butter |
#+begin_src elisp :var data=sandwich_recipie headline_id=0123 :results output
(= sandwich_data (magic-org-function-to-get-first-table-as-list headline_id))
So far I've been looking into org-element, but it seems like I'm not smart enough to use that... sorry