I have quite a few SQL org-babel functions for fetching various(single record) IDs from the database.

The snippet below works, but is there any way to skip that middle function that converts SQL result to a simple string? My goal here is to DRY this org-mode/org-babel file.

#+name: raw-sql-token
#+BEGIN_SRC sql :results value
  SELECT 123 AS token

#+name: sql-token
#+BEGIN_SRC sql :var input=raw-sql-token :results value
  (print (nth 0(nth 0 input)))

#+HEADER: :var id=sql-token
#+BEGIN_SRC http :pretty
  GET http://localhost:3000/api/items/${id}

1 Answer 1


You can use indexing on the result table to select the cell you want:

#+HEADER: :var id=raw-sql-token[2,0]
#+BEGIN_SRC http :pretty
  GET http://localhost:3000/api/items/${id}
  • "Indexing variable", got it. Thank you! Commented Mar 6, 2021 at 14:59

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