I would like to pass the code from code block test_python to script. I do not want test_python to be evaluated, but simply to have the source code inserted into script when I evaluate script. The goal is to have a more generic extended version of script that will do some useful stuff to setup the environment and run the contents of test_python such that it can be run on different machines. I'd like to eventually hide the script block in a #+INCLUDEed org mode file, then just be able to have the test_python block and a #+CALL to script in the primary org mode.

A minimal example where I am trying to do this is:

#+NAME: test_python
#+BEGIN_SRC ipython :results none :exports none
  import numpy as np

  x0 = np.arange(-1, 1, 1/10.)
  x1 = np.arange(-1, 1, 1/10.)
  x0, x1 = np.meshgrid(x0, x1)
  y_truth = x0**2 - x1**2 + x1 - 1

  print('inside python')

#+NAME: script
#+HEADER: :var python_code=""
#+BEGIN_SRC bash :results output

  result=$(python <<EOF
  echo $python_code
  echo $result
  echo "done test"

#+NAME: script_generator
#+CALL: script[:var python_code=test_python]

Adding one more thing: I am actually tangling script to write to file. I just removed that for the sake of the example.

--- Edit

I had left out some of this to try to get to a minimal example, but it seems that will make the question more clear. Ultimately I want this to look like the following.

any org file I'm currently working in:

* Some cool org stuff
:OUT_SCRIPT: /ssh:otherMachine:~/scripts/test_python.sh

#+INCLUDE: ~/org/script_utils.org

#+NAME: test_python
#+BEGIN_SRC ipython :results none :exports none
  import numpy as np

  x0 = np.arange(-1, 1, 1/10.)
  x1 = np.arange(-1, 1, 1/10.)
  x0, x1 = np.meshgrid(x0, x1)
  y_truth = x0**2 - x1**2 + x1 - 1

  print('inside python')

#+NAME: script_generator
#+CALL: script[:var python_code=test_python,script_path=OUT_SCRIPT]



#+NAME: script
#+HEADER: :var python_code="", script_path=""
#+BEGIN_SRC bash :results output :tangle script_path

  result=$(python <<EOF
  echo $python_code
  echo $result
  echo "done test"
  • 2
    What about Noweb reference syntax (orgmode.org/manual/Noweb-Reference-Syntax.html)? This looks like a typical use case here.
    – Philopolis
    Commented May 31, 2021 at 12:26
  • @Philopolis your comment would be a good answer for this question, if you added a short explanation
    – Tyler
    Commented May 31, 2021 at 17:17

1 Answer 1


The Noweb reference syntax may help in such cases. Using this syntax, the body of a given code block can be executed inside the body of another code block. As a summary of the Org manual page:

  1. You have to NAME the first code block
  2. Add its <<NAME>> in a second code block, which will have :noweb yes as a header argument. Then, <<NAME>> will be expanded/interpreted as the contents of the first code block.

I give an example below, adapted from your own example:

#+NAME: test_python
#+BEGIN_SRC python :results none :exports none
import numpy as np

x0 = np.arange(-1, 1, 1/10.)
x1 = np.arange(-1, 1, 1/10.)
x0, x1 = np.meshgrid(x0, x1)
y_truth = x0**2 - x1**2 + x1 - 1

print('inside python')

#+NAME: script
#+BEGIN_SRC bash :results output :noweb yes
result=$(python <<EOF
echo $result
echo "done test"

#+RESULTS: script
: inside python
: done test
  • This is almost it, but what is missing is being able to do this: ``` #+NAME: script_generator #+CALL: script[:var python_code=test_python] ``` Commented Jun 2, 2021 at 4:35
  • The instruction #+CALL: script (without additional argument) should work.
    – Philopolis
    Commented Jun 2, 2021 at 5:40
  • I expanded my question. I explicitly want to pass the name of the block/noweb-ref to the other block. Commented Jun 2, 2021 at 10:40

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