Scenario: I want to detect all defcustom sexp that have a :set or :initialize keyword in all Emacs Lisp files inside a directory tree.

Searching for newline can be problematic depending of the regexp engine and the tool that uses it. Despite the following, I did not find something that works for several files:

  • [^\0] when back references and look-around are allowed. Unfortunately tools like deadgrep do not support them.
  • C-q C-j is another way but again several tools will not accept multiline regexp.
  • I have been able to use "defcustom [[:ascii:]]+:\(\(type\)\|\(initialize\)\)" with re-builder to validate that this works inside one file. It won't match text that includes non-ASCII characters, but that's probably OK. I guess I could write code that iterate across all files and use that expression or something like that.

I would like to find an Emacs-based tool that would allow me to write a regexp that support identifying text spread across multiple lines and search for that in all files inside a directory tree without having to write my own. Does such an Emacs-based tool exist?

  • Does project-find-regexp do the job?
    – aadcg
    Commented Sep 16, 2021 at 18:10
  • Did not know that one. Trying it. Looks like it needs to have the function to use defined. A simple search did not work so I don't have it setup correctly for the moment. Looking into it, thanks...
    – PRouleau
    Commented Sep 16, 2021 at 18:15
  • What do you mean by "needs to have the function to use defined"?
    – aadcg
    Commented Sep 16, 2021 at 18:16
  • 1
    Let us continue this discussion in chat.
    – PRouleau
    Commented Sep 16, 2021 at 18:25
  • 1
    This turns out to be a very interesting question. Eager to see what others have to say!
    – aadcg
    Commented Sep 16, 2021 at 19:23

1 Answer 1


I don't think you want to just use a single regexp to search for defcustoms that have either :set or :initialize, with (or without) any of those things possibly being on different lines. Why? Because a single regexp to find either :set or :initialize, or both, in either order, is complicated.

Instead, you want to use Lisp syntax: find (defcustom but search the text between the beginning of that match and the end of the defcustom sexp. Search it for :set, then search it for :initialize, without worrying about which might come first or what lines they might be on. No complicated regexp.

IOW, I'd suggest writing a function (command, if you like), that does something like this, in a loop for the file contents (starting from (point-min), with that loop being within a loop over the files you want to search (e.g. directory-files or whatever):

  1. search-forward for (defcustom.
  2. Go to beginning of the match ((match-beginning 0)), and record that position (e.g. in a let var).
  3. forward-sexp to get to the end of the (defcustom...) sexp, and record that position.
  4. save-restriction and narrow-to-region.
  5. search-forward from (point-min) for :set. If found, accumulate the region bounds as one of your search results, and loop for another search. If not found, go to step 6.
  6. Do step 5, but with :initialize in place of :set.

If you want to allow for whitespace between the ( and the defcustom, then use re-search-forward with an appropriate regexp that allows for it.

  • I'd really like to find a way to to a multi-file search of a pattern that spans multiple lines. I gave that example, but it's not the first time I wanted to do something similar. My guess is I will have to use PCRE and a backend tool that can support it. ripgrep and Ag both support PCRE. I used the regexp I described in my question that worked in re-builder and it's not that complicated. But re-builder works only on 1 buffer. I might end up writing a command but for that I'd prefer to use tools like deadgrep, allowing multiple searches, various criteria, etc...
    – PRouleau
    Commented Sep 17, 2021 at 2:07
  • And yes I could take advantage of the fact that I'm searching inside Lisp code, but I'm looking for a solution that would also work when searching for pattern crossing lines in multiple files written in other languages.
    – PRouleau
    Commented Sep 17, 2021 at 2:12
  • You're moving the goal post. Your question was about searching within contexts that are (defcustom...) sexps. I answered that. If you want to search within any kind of context then you can do that with Isearch+. You need to define the contexts, and it gives you multiple ways to do that. Then you can search within them, including across multiple buffers/files, and using any kind of isearching - regexp or otherwise. Icicles Search offers similar contextual searching.
    – Drew
    Commented Sep 17, 2021 at 4:37
  • 1
    You should post a separate question, rather than evolving and widening your question.
    – Drew
    Commented Sep 17, 2021 at 4:38
  • Perhaps., I thought the title and the last paragraph were stating the question, but probably I should not have identified a scenario that strict or added a wider scenario.
    – PRouleau
    Commented Sep 17, 2021 at 10:52

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