This is a really old question, but I needed something similar so I am putting this here in case someone needs it. I did this by defining a formatter that groups the categories.
(defun private/clocktable-formatter-group-by-prop (ipos tables params)
(let* ((formatter (or org-clock-clocktable-formatter
(ht (make-hash-table :test 'equal))
(total 0)
(dolist (tt tables (sort (hash-table-keys ht)
#'(lambda (x y) (string< x y))))
(setq total (+ total (nth 1 tt)))
(dolist (record (nth 2 tt))
(let* ((lasttwo (last record 2))
(time (pop lasttwo))
(prop (cdr (car (car lasttwo))))
(prev (gethash prop ht 0)))
(puthash prop (+ prev time) ht))
(newtable (mapcar (lambda (arg) (list 1 arg nil nil (gethash arg ht) nil)) grouped))
(new-params (org-plist-delete params :properties)))
(funcall formatter ipos (list (list nil total newtable)) new-params)))
Then I can use it like this
#+BEGIN: clocktable :scope file :properties ("CATEGORY") :formatter clocktable-formatter-group-by-prop