I want to be able to output nicely formatted math code. So I decided to learn latex and maxima (and use all that in org-mode).
That's when I came across this tutorial http://maxima.sourceforge.net/contrib/maxiplot/maxiplot_en.pdf.
And there, I found this program in section 3.2.1:
\[ %Math mode begin
f: x/(x^3-3*x+2), /* Integrating it */
tex('integrate(f,x)), /* will show its integral... */
tex(integrate(f,x)), /* ...and the result */
\] %Math mode end
I tried to execute it, in an org-buffer, by pressing C-c C-x \
. But I see no results. The polynomial f: x/(x^3-3*x+2)
gets pretty-printed and that's all. But there's not output like anything in the PDF file; a nice integral and so on.
I tried C-c C-x C-l
too and the image is blank.
Can anyone tell me, how do I show the output of this latex/maxima program in the org-buffer?
option (it might be named--enable-write18
or something like that). An alternative way might be to put maxima code as a maxima babel block instead, I think (but not sure...) you can ask org to use the result in the latex export.